Monday, September 30, 2024



नए आत्मनिर्भर बिहार का रोडमैप

इस लेख में मैं लालू यादव जी के 15 वर्षों के शासन का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन एनडीए के 15 वर्षों के शासन से भी करना चाहता हूँ, ताकि यह तथ्य स्थापित हो सके की भाजपा अपने घोषणापत्रों में जो कहती है उसे पूरा करती है.

Pandora’s box of Indian curry – Thy name is Indian politics

In all fairness to Modi, his government has been perceived to be free from any high level corruption. However, can the same be said on how his successive Governments have dealt with the past Corruption cases?

Congress: Staring at bleak future

It has been more than six years since congress is kicked out of the power, but there is absolutely no change in Congress’s attitude. It continues to support anti-India elements. Look what Congress is doing

शांत कश्मीर और चिदंबरम का 370 वाला तीर

डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह की सरकार के सबसे शक्तिशाली मंत्रियो में से एक चिदंबरम आज वही भाषा बोल रहे है जो पाकिस्तान संयुक्त राष्ट्र तथा अन्य अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मंचो पर बोलता आया है। चिदंबरम यही नहीं रुके उन्होंने अलगाववादियों को भी महत्व देने की बात कही है।

How BJP can win seats in Tamil Nadu and Kerala

It is time for BJP to eye on Tamil Nadu and Kerala. In Lok Sabha election 2024 BJP will win ±15 seats in TN and ±3 seats in Kerala.

Revisit Film “Rang De Basanti”

It makes us believe that Muslims in India are not being treated with respect that they deserve and we start feeling apologetic about it somewhere in our subconcious mind.

BJP cannot afford to be indecisive in Sushant Singh’s case

BJP should realize that majority is with them because they know BJP is bringing in changes and justice with transparency. Now it’s time for the BJP leadership to show that investigating agencies are truly independent, fearless, and if required they can act against person of any privilege and stature.

Curses of Indian democracy: Dynocracy and personality Cult

An in-depth study of Indian Democracy says ‘the dynocracy form of government is very much there in India as we see the presence of the dynasty politics in almost all political parties

किसान मुद्दा- क्या केवल विपक्ष जिम्मेदार है?

उचित तर्कों के अभाव में जो लड़ाई विपक्ष संसद में हार गया उसे वो भोले भाले लोगों को गुमराह करके सड़कों पर जीतने का प्रयास कर रहा है।

A take on the rising anti Hindu chant

Hindutva is being targeted by the opposition as it is some sort of disease that one needs to get rid of; which has and which will backfire!

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