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Behind the scenes of the Middle East conflict

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Rohit Bora
Rohit Bora
Student, Avid reader and writer, Geopolitics follower. "A word after a word after a word is power."

Recent strike from the US and its allies on Syria for alleged (and unverified) use of chemical weapon by the Syrian Govt. was described as ‘Mission Accomplished’ by the US president Donald Trump, ironically something similar was cited by George W. Bush during initial phase of US attack on Iraq in 2003, the rest, of course, being history. The Middle East has been the most unstable region over past few decades. Numerous civil and proxy wars, misgovernance, foreign invasions, religious conflicts, is strange to none. Seems like the anarchy has itself embraced the Arab world. Though the origin of this adverse turmoil can be argued, there must be something behind that is not letting it settle.

The US has been the common player in the rise of Islamic extremism, civil wars and anarchy in the middle east. Be it the instability in Iraq and Afganistan or the civil wars in Syria and Libya, the US has always been involved by some means or the other. In fact, not only in this region but conflicts all over the world have seen the intercession from the US. Just 22 years of peace is what the Americans have witnessed since their independence. It thus becomes important to know the motive behind these involvements that is putting the sword of Damocles over the planet.

The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) of the US, has been apparently dictating the conflict around the world the over past few decades. Former US president and a decorated Army General ‘Dwight D. Eisenhower’ in his farewell address, quoted the peril involved in not keeping a check on the MIC which can lead to involvement in unnecessary wars (as US has been many times). He indicated that the Govt must guard against the acquisition of influence whether sought or unsought by the MIC, indeed a prescient remark. We see that unlike most other nations the USA has an entirely privatized military-industrial complex, which makes ‘capitalism’ the major player in the scenario with regular arms deals being oxygen for the complex.

‘As it stands today, well-nigh half of the US arms exports went to the war-torn middle east in last five years’ cites a report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). It’s obvious that an amicable region will seldom look for addendum of modern weaponry to their arsenal than an upset one. Saudi Arabia’s $670 bn arms deal with the US last month shows it once and for all and also backs the fact from the US perspective that why it is so keen to keep this part of the world unstable.

Further, the interest of a close ally of America, Israel keeps its form putting efforts to stabilize the situation in the middle east. A stable regime will be an implicit threat to the security of Israel ( having not so great geographic location). The end of totalitarian rule in some Arab countries may sound nice on a bulletin but almost each of them has seen the worst time ever since. The miserable failure of numerous peace talks makes one sceptical of the character of the delegation involved and depicts patently the reluctance and lack of will to resolve the ceaseless conflicts.

The world has been changing at a prodigious rate. A nation’s problem is now no longer limited to its border but has started to influence the interest of the others. Direct warfares have nearly become defunct and proxy wars are in fashion, producing far more detrimental consequences than the former, chiefly for the civilian. The collision of major power in the middle east has spread the spark all over the world, mainly fanning the flames of extremist movements. Thus there is a need to keep a far sight that will be in the interest of the entire human civilization in the long run.

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Rohit Bora
Rohit Bora
Student, Avid reader and writer, Geopolitics follower. "A word after a word after a word is power."
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