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Homage: A letter to 2020

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An avid reader; Engineer; Sports Enthusiast; Big Dreamer(in disguise); Beginner writer; Just spill out random thoughts.

Dear 2020,

Hi. How have you been doing? Not asking. Just contemplating how have you been to us, the human race. Whatever you did through your lifetime, it deserves accolades. You were just on target with your plans and unarguably conquered our plans. So, this is a tribute to your infamous doings, can’t say wrong or right. We’ll probably get to know by 2021.

When you were born on 1st Jan, it was a joyous occasion. We warmly welcomed you and were all excited to see you grow. We all made plans with you, for you, of you. Be it going on a long relaxing vacation or experiencing a sports paradise (IPL, T20 Cricket World Cup, Olympics, European Cup). Even Donald Trump was not grumpy at the start of this new decade. But, little did we know that you too had plans. Actually, it’s our fault. We were inconsiderate and didn’t ask you about what you want; your plans; your ambitions. Now, you being a Gen-Z, started to lose your temper and showed emotions aggressively.

To begin with, even as an infant, your rage was astonishing. You lit up the whole of Australia through forest bushfires, and simultaneously India, through CAA- NRC protests/riots. We Indians, looking at this kind of the beginning of the year, immediately got sceptical that our Rahu & Ketu are not favourable. We declared to our subconscious that you would not be a regular life. Instead, you’d be special.

As you grew and hit adolescence, you became more self-obsessed and yearned for more attention, although it is very much evident at this age. Again, it was our shortcoming that we didn’t take you seriously, and maybe that’s why you got so upset with the human race. We never thought, even in our wildest dreams that your reaction to this ignorance would be so unprecedentedly flabbergasting. You just injected a tiny non- living gene into the earth’s atmosphere and the whole humanity stood still. Wow! Your ancestors would have been so proud as you achieved what they too wished but couldn’t accomplish. Also, you’d be happy to know, even Kabir Singh got gobsmacked by your rage.

You went into adulthood peacefully and happily, as that uncalled strike to us was nowhere slowing down. And while this ‘inflicted’ pandemic was going on as you planned, you continued to work from home. You took away some of our beloved personalities; the economy came to ground zero levels, subsequently shutting down businesses and increasing unemployment. You literally handicapped us physically, mentally & emotionally throughout those months of house arrest.

The teeny-weeny gene that you poured on us, created a sea of uncertainty. And you messed up this already messed up sea by dumping huge amount of political, economical and humanitarian debris, such as Beirut explosion, racial prejudice(George Floyd case), the migrant crisis, rising income inequality etc.

Now, your life is coming to an end, just a few breathe short. But still, you seem unfulfilled. Although, I must appreciate the arc you have given to the Indian chapter of your life. You commenced your India journey through massive protests over a bill, and it seems pretty evident that you’d finish it off through massive protests over a bill. Commendable!

Despite all this, you know why we still stick with you? Of course, we don’t have any choice per se, but to put it out in a more tacit way, we do have a soft corner for you, since you taught us some important lessons that we shall be forever indebted to you. In retrospect, the lesson- ‘Change what you can, accept what you cannot’ is exactly you have been teaching us. Also, you taught us the immeasurable value friends & family carry in our lives; you taught us that it’s okay to be selfish; you taught us to take a pause, step back and realise what social injustice is happening around; but most importantly, you taught us to not take this planet for granted. At all!

Have a good last few days 2020. You were truly one of a kind. Take a bow. And yes, we won’t miss you. Or will we? Well, it depends on your soon to be born child…and his child…and his child…and…you got it, right?


Yours Truly,

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An avid reader; Engineer; Sports Enthusiast; Big Dreamer(in disguise); Beginner writer; Just spill out random thoughts.
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