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HomeOpinionsIndia is not a political toy of Rahul Gandhi

India is not a political toy of Rahul Gandhi

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[Barack Hussain Obama, the ex-President of USA, was recently inspired by Rahul Gandhi and expressed his agenda-driven concern about phantom-sufferings of Indian Muslim minority community]

The blatantly anti-Hindu Rahul Gandhi (Raul Vinci) has recently (May-June 2023) cried in the USA that under BJP rule, India has (1) no democracy, (2) no freedom of speech, and (3) Muslims are not allowed to practice Islam and they are a persecuted community in India. He was behaving like a crying baby seeking help from his Islamist-Leftist-Evangelist-Woke gang in the USA, so that the gang might help him to become Prime Minister of India in 2024.

Rahul Gandhi’s above-mentioned visit to USA was sponsored by many dubious organizations and groups. Among those, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) was one. ICNA was established in 1968 by Americans Muslims of South Asian origin. This organization is engaged in religious conversion activity in USA and has connection with different Islamic terrorist groups.

Rahul Gandhi’s family background is very suspicious. His maternal grandfather was an alleged Fascist party member in Italy. His mother is Roman Catholic and paternal grandfather was Parsi. But funnily before the general election in India, Rahul Gandhi does temple hopping to entice Hindu voters and claims to be a Hindu Brahmin of Dattatreya Gotra.

Leaving aside election times, Rahul Gandhi keeps on emitting venom and hatred towards Hinduism. But then when he comes to sense, he shouts “I am a Hindu, but not Hindutva”. Poor Pappu means that he is human, but not humanity. Lo and behold. He does not know that Hindutva means the attributes of Hindu.

If India has no democracy, how Congress has won the May 2023 Assembly election in Karnataka state of India? Before that, how could AAP win the Assembly election in Punjab in March 2022? Moreover, out of 28 states of India, how are 12 states presently ruled by non-BJP parties.

So far, BJP has not imposed Article 356 on any state in the past 9 years of its rule at centre, though West Bengal was a very strong case after its widespread Post Poll violence on Hindus in 2021. But BJP allowed anti-Hindu TMC party to rule the state on the basis of its electoral victory.

If there is no freedom of speech in India, how can dozens of members of Congi-Commie-Islamist cabal abuse Modi, BJP and RSS 24 x 7 in social, print and electronic media?

Indian Islamist journalist Rana Ayyub raised public funds during Covid pandemic to help people, but diverted a huge amount to personal bank accounts. Is investigating her financial fraud by a competent government agency amounts to suppression of freedom of speech?

In India, freedom of speech is not absolute. The Constitution has imposed some reasonable restrictions on freedom of speech. So, the shouter of slogan of “Bharat tere tukde honge, Ins-Allah Ins-Allah” and the Jihadi who publicly instigated Indian Muslims to disrupt the Chicken’s Neck corridor in North Bengal to isolate North-East India from mainland India are rotting in the Indian jails, which they deserve.

The nexus between The Washington Post, Christiane Amanpour, Barack Hussain Obama, CNN, George Soros, his son Alexander Soros and Rahul Gandhi is well established. Soros has openly claimed that he would spend $ 600 million Dollars to oust Modi in 2024 election. Rahul Gandhi has reduced himself to be a pawn of Soros and his gang [].

If Muslims are not allowed to practice Islam in India, how the recent Pew Research report [,%E2%80%9Cnot%20at%20all%20free%E2%80%9D.] revealed that 98 percent of Muslim respondents of India from 17 states expressed that they were free to practice Islam in India? In the same study the rest 2 percent told that they were partially free to practice Islam. None said that he was not free to practice Islam in India.

Indian Muslims have their own Personal Laws, which the majority Hindu community does not have. India has the second highest number of mosques as a country. The land-holding of the Indian Waqf Board is third largest in the country after the Armed Forces and Indian Railway. Recently Islamic Abu Dhabi has imposed a fine of Dh 1,000 on anybody who offers Namaz on the road. But across the whole India, Muslims offer Friday Namaz by blocking highways, and railway platforms. Further they offer Namaz within railway coaches and aircrafts even.

Issues of Muslims in independent India are unique and need some explanations. Muslim invaders, small and big, came from outside and ruled different parts of Indian sub-continent for about 650 years from 1206 AD both effectively and ineffectively. As a part of their religious obligation, these Muslim ruling classes converted local people to Islam. By 1941, proportion of Muslim population in British India became 24 percent.

When Muslims of British India refused to live with majority Hindu community after the British left, Islamic Pakistan was created for them on 14-15 August 1947. In 1946 election, about 97 percent British Indian Muslims voted for Muslim League to create Pakistan and they cried “Pakistan Ka Matlab Keya, La Ilaha Illal Lah”. But after partition, all the Muslims who fell on independent Indian side did not migrate to Pakistan and most of them stayed back in India.

As per 1951 census, Muslim population in independent India was 9.8 percent. The estimated proportion of Muslim population in 2023 is about 15 percent. In absolute number, there are about 210 millions of Muslims in India today and it is the second highest number of Muslims in any country after Islamic Indonesia.

This positive demographic shift in favour of Indian Muslims would not have occurred had the situation been hostile to them in India. The BJP rule of past 9 years was no different for them. Reverse picture is seen in Pakistan and Bangladesh, where proportion of Hindu population decreased steadily and fast after 1947, though Hindus there never demanded partition.

From another angle, there has not been any rush among Indian Muslims for taking political asylum in other Islamic or Western countries during last 75 years in general and 9 years in particular. Moreover, India has given asylum to Rohingya Muslims who fled Myanmar in recent past for religious persecution. The United Nations says nearly 40,000 Rohingya have fled to India from Myanmar, most of them in 2017, that is, during BJP rule.

Besides, tens of millions of illegal Bangladeshi Muslims have penetrated all parts of India in past decades. They have forged Indian citizenship and are happily living on Indian tax payers’ money. The main intent of Islamist-Left-Congress cabal to oppose CAA was to stop identification and deportation of those illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators, otherwise CAA had nothing to do with any Muslim anywhere in the world.

However, in a country of 1.4 billion people, the random criminal incidences and law and order problems between Hindus and Muslims of India are commonplace and found to happen from both sides. So, Muslims facing religious persecution in India under BJP rule is a grand Pappu-lie at the best or Pappu-inspired malicious Islamic propaganda against BJP at the worse.

When in 1950, unlike Islamic Pakistan, the Constitution of independent India did not make the country a Hindu nation, – the Muslims of Indian sub-continent ate the apple and had it too. They got both Pakistan and India, but Hindus got none. They got Pakistan for being minority in British India and started getting additional benefits, supports and pampering from the government of independent India for still being minority in the country. This has taken India back to the socio-political crisis of 1940s.

The fact of the matter is, Rahul Gandhi is either ill-informed or a pathological liar or an entitlement-obsessed stupid dynastic inheritor under the spell of China, Pakistan and Christian evangelists. In any case, Rahul Baba should stop playing with India as his political toy and stop Barack Hussain Obama to follow him too.

About the author: Dr Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee served Government of India and retired as Higher Administrative Grade Officer after 35 years of service. After retirement from the service, he developed interest in writing on contentious issues and topics. His published books are (1) Politically incorrect Point of View, (2) Politics, Bong and Faith, (3) The Alternative Narrative, (4) The West Bengal Saga and (5) Political Islam and India.

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