By definition, Yoga philosophy is a branch of Hindu philosophy that deals with the understanding of life and the universe. Yoga philosophy is a combination of two Sanskrit words, ‘yuj’ and ‘aasana’. Yuj means to connect or to join together, while asana means posture.
Yoga philosophy beyond definition
Yoga philosophy was created by Patanjali, who lived between 200 BC and 400 BC. He was a Hindu philosopher who lived in India about 2000 years ago. He wrote an extensive treatise on yoga called the Yoga Sutras. In fact, this book is still used today as a guide to living an ethical life,
Yoga philosophy is not just confined to India, it is practiced all over the world and has become more popular than ever before, with millions of people practicing it every day.
When we talk about some of the oldest yoga institutes, following the authentic yoga philosophy, Kaivalyadhama is a name that falls in the top list. Established in 1924, Kaivalyadhama which is located in the western region of India was set up with the distinct purpose of merging yoga tradition with science, to make this knowledge relevant and accessible to the world.
Adaptations of yoga philosophy in today’s time
In today’s era, it is very important that we adapt Yoga philosophy & practice it without losing its essence. Many a time, yoga is trivialized into a set of materialistic practices that is based only on the physical body. For reference, the new-gen practices include skipping Savasana, getting diverted by phones, challenging yourself to be better than others, not following basic yoga rules, etc.
Well, you need not push yourself to Yoga, instead adjust yourself to get camouflaged with the traits of yoga.
Of course, that does not mean to do things out of your comfort zone. Yoga gives you the flexibility to adapt or modify postures and asanas according to your ease. You always have the leverage to accept yoga as per your body without affecting the fundamental principles of yoga. That’s the beauty of Yoga!
Cultivate abundance in your mind, heart & life through yoga
Yoga and personal development are inseparable. When we zone in and cultivate abundance on the mat, it’s not just our physical body that benefits. Abundance flows from your mind to your heart and into every cell of your body.
Abundance according to yoga philosophy
Materialistic things in life should never set your abundance boundaries. abundance is related to freedom, a heart full of gratitude, knowledge, and everything that defines your inner beauty. This is possible by acknowledging yoga philosophy in its truest sense. When you accept yoga wholeheartedly, you will feel the mindset shift as you start to clear the mental debris through asanas and pranayama that are so simple yet so effective. It will guide you on the path of spirituality and success leading to the realization of a higher Self.
“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”
– Lao Tzu
Yoga for diseases is a healer in many ways
Yoga has been mostly known as a form of exercise, but nowadays it has evolved into a range of practices with medicinal benefits. Studies have shown that it can be a powerful healing tool, resulting in reduced stress and anxiety, improved physical and mental health and it can even lead to better sleep at night.
One of the most surprising benefits is the fact that yoga can be used as an unexpected treatment for mood disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. It has also been used amply to heal some disease conditions effectively like Chronic musculoskeletal pain, PTSD, Insomnia, Hypertension, Nervousness, Depression, Diabetes and works best for heart patients.
Best yoga institutes offers varied courses to overcome your body challenges as every course is designed and customized according to the individual. Below are few of the many courses:
- Yoga for pain management
- Yoga for weight management
- Yoga for Auto Immune
- Intensive Yoga / Advance Yoga
- Covid recovery program
- Yoga for Healing
- Yoga for Relaxation
Now, physiologists are beginning to understand the science behind biomechanical changes in the body during yoga poses and the ways yoga can be effectively used to treat chronic illness. A little knowledge goes a long way, and it’s never too late to change your life for the better. Apprehend what yoga philosophy offers and indulge in holistic healing.