YouTuber Nizamul Khan (with around 900k followers at that time) along with his friends shot dead his girlfriend’s brother Kamal Sharma on 28 October 2021. No so called liberal or secular media covered this news as the victim was a Hindu. Kamal opposed his sister’s relationship with Nizamul, Nizamul killed Kamal Sharma in front of his sister.
His sister herself gave statement on camera that he murdered her brother in front of her.
He was arrested but later on bail he got out and he is still running his YouTube channel and now his subscribers have become 1.3 million in number. Most of his followers are foolish Hindus in most of the comments words like Nizamul bhai Nizamul bhai, Nizamul bhai is innocent, Nizamul bhai zindabad can be seen.
On one side, secular and liberandu gang are running PROPAGANDA that Muslims are not safe in this country, on the other hand, Muslims are openly murdering Hindus without fear of any law and order because they know that law and order is so weak especially for Muslim culprits.
Even after MURDERING a man, he is out in the open again. Even slapping a Muslim man becomes a national issue and hashtags start running on the social media but Hindu men and women are killed on daily basis in communal crimes by the Muslim extremists but no media even covers the news.
Media always forgets Nikita Tomar, Tanishka Sharma. The most shameful, disturbing and horrifying incident which happened in the country is the murder case of Kishan Bharwad but almost all the secular media channels ignored it because the victim is a Hindu.
Hindu organizations are also of little use when they can’t even protest on behalf of Hindus against the communal crimes happening against Hindus. No BJP leader or any right wing activist covered the bail of Youtuber Nizamul Khan which happened many months back.
This is the condition of Hindus in India forget about Pakistan and Bangladesh.