A lot of thanks and credits to Praveen Mohan
Underground secrets of Taj Mahal–
One of the Seven Wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal of India is a well-known tourist attraction across the globe. People from all over the world, even nation heads visit this place to see and admire its beauty.
But, I am not going to talk about its beauty or the shine of white marble used in it. Thousands of people have ended their ink in doing this, so I will neither waste my time nor ink in doing this one more time. Here I will talk about the secret underground place of the Taj Mahal. But, first I must tell you some things about the ruler who built this monument.
His name was Shah Jahan, who was a Mughal ruler. The Mughal were one of the most cruel invaders and rulers, who belonged to the world’s most ever cruel invaders, Chengiz Khan and Timur. The Mughals killed tens of millions of people, raped millions and millions of women and girls. The Mughals also did the same with the Hindu population of the Indian subcontinent (India, called Bharat in ancient times comprised the whole subcontinent and was one country).
And one of the rulers of this descendant built this monument for his 4th wife out of 7, named Mumtaz Mahal, who died while giving birth to her 14th children. What a love story! But, I think that I am going out of the topic, so I shall start the topic.
This monument is built in Agra, in the Uttar Pradesh state of India, situated near the capital of India, Delhi.
What is hidden under the Taj Mahal–
While walking through the campus of Taj Mahal, you will see an iron door-like thing, in which many people throw coins. But why? Actually, many people point out that the Taj Mahal is built over a temple, which was a part of larger Hindu structure, in underground of the Taj Mahal.
To see if it is true, have a look on this.
You can see that the place is not just hollow; there is another wooden door inside this iron door, which may go downwards. This is not the only way, instead there is another such entrance inside the Taj Mahal which has been closed by the authorities. Look the next picture.
As you can see that the authorities has banned even photography here, and also instructs not to stop at this place. But, why do the authorities not want anyone to go inside, or see what is in the underground?
Some says that the authorities did not want anyone to go because of the fear of destroying things of historical importance. But, others say that the authorities did not want anyone to know the truth of this monument, the true history, because they have the fear that it can damage the so-called secular status of the country. Look at the next picture of the taj mahal.
As you can notice in the picture that the monument is made of white marble. But if you will rotate your head around this monument, you will not be able to see white marble. The above monument is a tomb of the queen Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. But, what is strange is that the whole campus and other structures are made of red sandstone. Even the base on which Taj Mahal stands is made of red sandstone, which you can see in the next picture.
You can clearly see in the figure that the base and other structures in the Taj Mahal complex are made of red sandstone. But, there is a strange thing that the top of these structures are made of white marble. Look at the next picture.
You can clearly see that all the other structures around the Taj Mahal are made of red sandstone, but their domes are made up of white marble, which is possible only if these domes would have been built later.
It is clear that these red sandstone structures were made prior to Taj Mahal, and when Taj Mahal was built, Shah Jahan must have added these white marble domes over them. Even the base must have been made prior to the Taj Mahal, as if the whole structure had been made at once by Shah Jahan, he should have also made the base of white marble.
But, as we know, that’s not the case. Even the floor of the whole Taj Mahal complex is made of red sandstone, which you can see in the next picture.
This is so strange. If the whole complex was built by Shah Jahan, why does the base and flooring is not made of white marble? Why just the domes of other red sandstone structures are made of white marble? This does not make any sense.
Now, someone will argue that since building this structure nearly emptied the treasure of Shah Jahan, which is why he has used red sandstone at most of the places, and built only the main structure with the white marble. This is totally nonsense. It is obvious that anyone will first make the base and then build the structure, and if Shah Jahan decided to make the structure of white marble, the base must contain white marble, because he would have no idea that his treasure would be emptied in building this. But, this is not the only strange thing. There is something more on the backside of Taj Mahal. Have a look on the next picture.
This is very strange. There is a door in the back of Taj Mahal at the base. The picture is more clear in the next picture.
This picture was taken in the british period. This door is much older than the Taj Mahal. How do I know this?
Because, in 1974, an American architect named Marvin H. Mills saw this [readers can follow the links given:- (https://www.nytimes.com/1992/01/09/opinion/l-separating-the-taj-mahal-from-legend-894592.html.) (https://www.stephen-knapp.com/an_architect_looks_at_the_taj_mahal_legend.htm)]. He took a clear picture of this, as you can see in the next image; he was unable to go inside because it had wooden doors which were locked.
He took a small piece of wood for radio-carbon-dating, and the carbon-dating reported that the piece of wood predates Taj Mahal by at least 250 years. Immediately this news hit the newspapers, authorities sealed off the door with bricks and concrete, which you can see in the next picture.
This clearly proves that there is something in the underground of Taj Mahal.
But authorities, historians and archaeologists try to give a different answer. Some of them say that the tomb kept in the Taj Mahal is not the actual one of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. Actually, their original tombs are kept in the basement of Taj Mahal. And, these entrances are locked air-tight, so that air or rainwater cannot enter the basement, so as to prevent the tombs from pollution or any type of contamination, as they are of historical importance. But, there is a serious flaw in this argument. Look at the next picture.
Look at these holes.
These are made as ventilators on the floor of the Taj Mahal monument. There are many such ventilation holes around the monument, which easily allow both the air and rainwater to pass through to the basement. So, this argument is a flaw.
Now, whatever logical points, facts and evidences I have provided above clearly points out that the base of the Taj Mahal and the structures beneath it including the other structures around the Taj Mahal were built much before than the Taj Mahal. If even it is not enough, then I will show you a historical evidence from the biography of Shah Jahan, ‘badshahnama’ [readers can follow the links given (https://tajmahalrealhistory.wordpress.com/2009/07/31/the-badshahnama/) (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/reclaiming-india/the-taj-badshahnama-is-this-the-smoking-gun/), Have a look on the next pictures which shows the English and original Persian translation of the text.
The biography of Shah Jahan itself says that there was a ‘Manzil’, i.e. monument or structure here which belonged to a Hindu, named Raja (King) Jai Singh, the grandson of Raja (King) Man Singh, who was the army general of Shah Jahan’s grandfather, Akbar.
It is also notable in the next picture that the whole area around the Taj Mahal is empty.
Therefore, he didn’t bother to build a new base on the side of a river, as this would cost very much and even take much time, which is why he took the already existing structure from a Hindu. And also this states that the structure was extremely precious to Raja (King) Jai Singh.
The above text also means that Raja (King) Jai Singh unwillingly gave this structure to Shah Jahan. We can understand the reason behind this, as the king, and his ancestors had given their words to Mughals for political and defence cooperation, and in the Sanatan (Hindu) culture, it is a tradition that you should better die than to break your words.
Now, I am not going to say anything more. Anyone who is reading this; I advise him/her to use his his/her conscience and think carefully.
Please think on whatever you have read and try to figure out that, whatever the historians and archaeologists have told us about our history and our ancestors, is that true?