Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeReportsIndia at the borders

India at the borders

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“If you win, you need not have to explain…If you lose, you should not be there to explain!”                                                                     ― Adolf Hitler

The above said words of the world’s most barbaric dictator are being adopted nowadays by some ruthless world leaders. The unfortunate year of 2020 is keeping its nastiness upheld and this time the globe is at war. If we draw a conclusion from all the media around us, it can be easily surmised that the world is at the brink of 3rd world war or the battle has already begun.

Virus hit countries are already in pain and now the wicked states are unveiling their true colours by being mindlessly barbaric through military actions. Whether it’s North Korea, Turkey, China, Pakistan, Nepal or Palestine all are attacking their adversaries in these horrific times. India is a peaceful country having all the insolent nations as its neighbours.


Pakistan has been a perpetual threat since its partition from India and has fought many wars against us. It uses the weapons of terrorism and diplomacy to defy India. Recently two Pakistani high commission officials who were posted in Delhi were thrown out of India on the charges of espionage and to revenge the act, the terrorist nation started harassing Indian high commission officials posted in Islamabad by following them on cheap bikes and detaining Indian personnel on fake charges. Reports suggest that Indian officials were tormented for hours and even made to drink dirty water.

Along with such despicable acts, the neighbour is keeping its terrorist activities intact. The apple bowl of Kashmir (Shopian)has turned into a death valley with everyday encounters. The Indian armed forces have suffered huge loss of lives and killed around 100 militants so far this year. The 3 commanders of the Armed Forces of Pakistan were summoned by the ISI recently to discuss the issue Kashmir. No wonder they are in huge debts without any stable democratic government, their acts are too witless.


China, another tyrant country of the east and unfortunately our neighbour who is the source of the deadly virus who has crippled the whole planet, has crossed all the limits on the Indian borders. The PLA (People’s Liberation Army) has been engaging in border issues with India at the Sikkim and Ladakh frontier along the LAC since the past few days. A consensus was reached by both the counter parts to solve the issue through high level diplomatic and military talks but the agreement was violated by the Chinese side as their only aim is to divert the world’s attention from its role in covid-19 and by peace their purpose would be defeated, so they carried out military actions on the Indian personnel. They repeated their back stabbing act of 1962 after many decades. Reports suggest that around 20 Indian Army soldiers and 43 from the Chinese side have lost lives. The act is done just to gain as much sympathy as they can on the global platform and improve their spoilt image.

China is also using its sabre-rattling techniques in the South China Sea against Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam and even against Taiwan.


Nepal, the Hindu state on the northern side, has also opened fire and killed an Indian civilian. The peaceful nation has changed its foreign policies towards India and its allies, they are now becoming a puppet in the hands of the Chinese and breaking their ties with India and USA like powerful countries. Nepal is also plummeting into the debt trap of the Chinese government just like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and helping the dragon in achieving their goal to encompass India from all the sides.

Nepal started acting funny when the Chinese ambassador started getting involved in the local Nepalese Politics to fulfill the Chinese agendas and as a result Nepal started claiming 3 Indian territories situated in the State of Uttarakhand (Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura). Nepal was one of our oldest companions in the area whose citizens are spread throughout India and many are even enrolled in the Indian Armed Forces, they jeopardized all this just to form a new alliance with their communist neighbour.


The Defence minister recently said that the world knows that USA, Israel and India can protect its borders from any external forces, but the tents of PLA in the Galwan Valley and in the northern side of Pangong Lake doesn’t sync with the minister’s statement.

USA is the nation who has fought in almost all the parts of the world and taken revenge for every attack which happened against its citizens. Has India taken any steps against the perpetrators of 26/11, 7/11, Dawood Ibrahim or taken the revenge of the deaths of our soldiers in the valley? Was a surgical strike which was glorified in every news debate and became a turning point for the 2019 elections enough? And on top of that our Bollywood made a movie out of it and earned a fortune. Can we compare India with the US on the basis of these acts?

Israel, an impregnable maverick of the Middle East which is also known for its notorious neighbours have fought many wars and won. The Jewish nation fought a 6 day war in 1967 against Egypt, Jordan and Syria simultaneously and won. The state has the most powerful intelligence agency in the world – Mossad. The Israeli citizens are filled with patriotism and don’t question their government on every military action they take to uphold the safety of the nation. To keep their enemy (Hamas) in control, Israel keeps the electricity and water supply under their dominance and has even given many sanctions to block Gaza’s air, land and sea routes.

Has India ever acted so aggressively against any of its counterparts? Can we compare ourselves with Israel? In one week India has suffered casualties from Pakistan, Nepal and China whereas Israel defeated 3 nations in 1 week, that’s the difference which we need to understand before comparing our docile India with aggressive Israel.

It’s time for our bureaucrats to wake up and take steps to stop blood shedding at our borders. Innocent soldiers getting martyred in the name of politics and trade relations with the adversaries is not something which India needs.

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