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HomeMediaStony silence of Media on Malda Riots

Stony silence of Media on Malda Riots

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The fresh mob violence in malda has once again given an opportunity for presstitutes to prove why they are labelled as presstitutes. Except for “Indian Express” in print media and “Zee News” among electrnoic media none of the other presstitutes even bothered to report the rioting which involved a mob of more than 2.5 lakh torching police stations, police vehicles, BSF posts, BSF vehicles, temples and even innocent passersby going in a bus.

One of the leading presstitutes NDTV did not get time or sense to report this incident even 3 days after the incident occurred while the town continues to burn. After 3 days when a BJP legislator attempted at visiting the place to get hold of the ground situation, he was arrested by the police.

This is when the presstitute NDTV realized that it is part of media and has to report the news. As expected their headline was arrest of BJP legislator and a small paragraph in the article mentions about the rioting as some minor protest.

NDTV report below is a laugh riot to any sensible person on their reporting of mob torching a civilian bus:

“During the march on the national highway, a bus got in the way of the procession and protesters attacked it though passengers were unharmed. The police managed to partially disperse the protesters.”

The complete article can be checked here: NDTV eyewash on the report

One can clearly notice, the report says “a bus got in the way of the procession and protesters attacked it though passengers were unharmed”. So is NDTV trying to say that the bus was to be faulted for going in way of the protesters?

Few simple questions to #presstitute NDTV – Does this kind of irresponsible reporting not hurt innocents and encourage mob to conitnue with their vandalizing acts? Does it not amount to sedition on part of NDTV to encourage mob and subdue their criminal activities as minor incidents?

Presstitutes @bdutt @ranaayyub @sagarikaghose who are all self-proclaimed protectors of “sickularism” are maintaining a deafening silence on this burning ghost town.

Presstitute @sardesairajdeep added a tinge of humour to this topic with his senseless tweet by asking folks not to compare this with dadri but still was dodging the issue at hand.

The fun from rajdeep is not yet over, he gives gyan to social media not to sensatinalize malda in an election year,which is what exactly the main stream media did with Dadri incident by sensationalizing it when Bihar elections were round the corner.

Good to see him preaching, but what happened to all this preaching when Bihar elections were round the corner  and the media went hyper to blow the issue out of proportion and sensationalize such a sensitive issue? Did they not remember their responsibilities at that time?

When a few 10′ or maybe a hundred people at the maximum over powers and kills a person, it becomes a hot topic in whole of India for presstitutes to an extent that it becomes a topic of discussion internationally and thereby damaging name and fame of the country.

On the other hand when lakhs of people go on a rampage and torch anything and anybody who is on their way ,it is being presented as a simple issue.

The point here is not to support one incident or criticize the other one. The point is for the presstitutes to report crime as crime and criminal as criminal and not to take sides based on their paymasters.

Gone are the days when presstitutes used to present biased views of their news,now they have matured to cover or not to cover the whole news itself based on their political and business interests.

Signs are clear for everyone to see the fourth estate of democracy crumbling with each passing hour.

Now who is tolerant ? The media ,the government ,the country,the people,majority or minority?

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