Saturday, July 27, 2024


Rahul Gandhi for PM

Rahul, an inspiration

Rahul is a hope to the millions in India. Those who haven't ever held a job - will see him and think - yes, I can become a Prime Ministerial candidate too. How inspiring is that?

Why DMK is after Brahmin’s blessing

DMK with its gene dipped so deeply in Anti-Brahmin-ism is so aggressive in promoting, popularizing and marketing Rahul Gandhi for the prime minister ship which even the congress is not dared to adventure.

A Gandhi comes first; always, by default, without a question

When it comes to Indian Politics, the answer to the chicken and egg question is very simple and easy. It is a Gandhi, who comes first; always, by default, without a question!

Is DMK spoilsport or delicious dish for congress?

The over enthusiasm of DMK chief in projecting Rahul Gandhi as Prime Minister face of united opposition parties in fact has crushed the ambition and desire of Raghul Gandhi.

On bail for corruption charges, the dynast sermons about honesty

At thought level, in words and in action, Rahul Gandhi displays his honesty for lies and he is very sincere to speak lies and nothing else.

Regional parties for Congress Mukt Bharat

Congress fomenting the idea of third front government just to stop Modi in 2019 and allowing the third front to fall from within or due to the dirty politics of congress party will weaken the congress party further.

Rahul Gandhi need bedtime story teller to learn politics

Can Rahul Gandhi claim that since he has inherited the age old party in India so it is his birth right to become Prime Minister of India?

‘The Great Raghul Gandhi Knowledge Fair’ in foreign soil

Let Raghul Gandhi be ignorant at his personal level or as president of congress party but let us not allow his ignorance to ruin our country.

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