Yogi Adityanath has showcased his will work for majority of the country along with development agenda. He and BJP at center need at least a term more to achieve the self set goals.
Reconstruction of Rama Temple doesn’t signify the ‘Making of Hindu Rastra’ but reaffirms that no temples, no mosques, no churches will be destroyed ever and if anyone dares to, We will fight against them and get it constructed back.
कांग्रेस और उसके सहयोगी जब तक देशद्रोह, साम्प्रदायिकता, जात-पात और नकारात्मकता की अपनी नीतियों का त्याग नहीं करेंगे, भाजपा का विजय रथ इसी तरह से निर्बाध रूप से चलता रहेगा.