हम सनातन धर्मी सदैव अपनी मातृ भूमि कि सुरक्षा हेतु अपने जीवन का बलिदान करने वाले उन परम विरों को अत्यंत श्रद्धा और गर्व से याद करते हैं और सम्मान भी देते हैं।
Indian nationalism has had roots in history, for it was the same sentiment that drove the Marathas against the Mughals. The conceptualization of Hindavi Swarajya bears witness thereto
We need to move out of the metro cities not only physically but also psychologically. Let us not remain the “Metro-centric” democracy even in the 21st century.
Indian nationalism is unique because Indian nationalists include Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Jews and other tribes fighting brainwashed people of their own community.