How Congress tried to destroy Hindu India
The Indian freedom struggle led by the Congress, was no better than some sort of political negotiation only.
The fallacy of Nehru’s legacy
Vinayak -
The most important times of Nehru's stint as the Prime Minister are littered with grave mistakes threatened to moribund the rising Indian state.
प्रथम भारतीय गणराज्य की विदाई की सांझ व आगे का मार्ग
बदलते घटनाक्रमों ने यह तो स्पष्ट कर ही दिया है कि इस्लामिक अराजकता आने वाले समय में केवल इस जंग खा चुकी गणतांत्रिक व्यवस्था को उखाड़ फेंक नई गणतांत्रिक व्यवस्था बनाने के हिंदू संकल्प को मजबूत ही करेगी।
भारत-चीन पर राहुल का सवाल
भारत ही नेहरू के नेतृत्व में पहला गैर साम्यवादी जनतांत्रिक राज्य था जिसने जनवादी कम्युनिस्ट चीन को मान्यता प्रदान की. नेहरू उस दौर में चीन को लेकर इतने रोमांटिक (कल्पनावादी) हो गए थे कि तिब्बत पर चीन का आधिपत्य स्वीकार कर लिया. पर जब 1962 में चीन ने भारत पर हमला किया तो नेहरू की विदेश नीति चौपट हो गई थी.
They peddle lie and cry to believe it as History: An answer to Romila Thapar’s latest piece
Ample amount of damages to Indian history has been done by the Left-wing and Nehru-centric Historian like Romila Thapar, Ramachandra Guha and others. They peddled lie and call it history.
Why is the left so desperate?
Even after independence, we chose to drive the people who were the biggest exploiters of humanity and then somehow adopted their culture and started believing their version of our history.
Why ‘The Tashkent Files’ is a must watch
krhharsh -
The Tashkent Files will horrify your imaginations about how much we have been misinformed and of all we know is nothing but strategically constructed mind frame.
Flawed democracy & why Pakistan is not Bharat’s biggest enemy
Our democracy is partially blind and has no way to distinguish between nationalism and rent seeking behaviour and this is where the society must step in to fill the gaps. We need to list out those who use our nation’s democracy and Constitution to further their personal agendas and remove them from electoral process to begin with.
Left based intellectuals decoded
khalpat -
Left based intellectuals wrap their political ideology very smartly with empathy towards oppressed and for that they use their writing or speaking skills effectively. Thus they come out for many as "good people".
The Pulwama massacre is an integral problem of Kashmir Valley
G Indira -
Both Nehru and Indira Gandhi yearned to prove their peace credentials to world nations and left the country into insecurity and flames forever.