Saturday, July 27, 2024


Misquoting CAA

Is it the time for Modi to feed the liberal sharks? 

Even if Modi stands and delivers straight punches, upper cuts and the like, MSM can go to town with Modi’s ‘discomfiture and embarassmennt’ before the world.

Is Delhi the new Kashmir of India?

It is not about CAA, but about the sheer hate India’s Muslims have deep in their heart against 'Kaafirs', aka Hindus.

Delhi violence is no longer a protest but sheer terrorism

Delhi is burning. Muslim mob have turned violent and have started to terrorize everyone who supports CAA.

Seattle City Council passes a sick-socialist resolution

It is inhuman to find that the Resolution has not spoken a word about the torture and discrimination the religious minorities experience in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, yet the Resolution claims to support the democratic rights for all peoples

Is Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam the protector of Hindus, not the BJP?

With an evil aim in mind, public meetings were held at various districts by the DMK and its allies to voice out anti-CAA sentiments and create a wave of anti-government, anti-BJP stance amongst the people of Tamil Nadu.

Defeat ‘career protesters’ support Modi

Indian-ness we must promote and support and not the gene or DNA of Italy to rule our great land and ruin our cultural identity called Hinduism.

CAA and economic slowdown in India: A test for logical minds

The undisputed difference where CAA makes is, it is for granting citizenship to persecuted Hindus, Jains, Parsis, Sikhs, Christians and Buddhists. It doesn't entertain (mostly illegal) immigrants of ANY country.

Ramachandra Guha and call of congress party, regional parties must defeat congress first

What obviously crosses-over and overlap between several regional parties and congress is the core minority vote bank that they have earned through years of minority appeasement.

Validity of Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019: A historical, humanitarian, and constitutional perspective

CAA has everything to do with ‘Dharma’ but nothing to do with ‘Religion’. Surprised? Here is why.

What the anti-CAA protests tell us about Indian Muslims

Islamists and their all-weather allies, the Leftists continue to spread the propaganda that minorities are living in fear. While the truth is,, that the minorities in India have many more rights than Hindus.

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