Sunday, September 8, 2024


Mahatma Gandhi

Liberalism has worsened the partition chapter

Division of people in terms of their religious faiths was promoted by the Moghul empires which helped Britishers to establish their empire.

Corona pandemic: An opportunity to rethink global mobility

The concept of Gram Swaraj (self-reliant villages) by Mahatma Gandhi decades back seems more relevant in the current situation

Support PM Modi to fulfill the dreams of Mahatma Gandhi

If Gandhi ever visits India today, he has more reasons to be happy and joyful than be sad as most of his dreams and wishes are getting fulfilled through Narendra Modi.

From Archives – M.K. Gandhi’s reactions on Mob-Violence

We may doubt and debate if Gandhi understood meaning of taqiyya and kitman. But his commentaries, observations and reactions during this period do indicate that he practiced these to perfection.

नाथूराम गोड़से- देशभक्त या हत्यारा

सिर्फ़ भारत का विभाजन करने के लिए गाँधीजी की हत्या नहीं की गयी थी, बात उससे भी काफ़ी आगे बढ़ने वाली थी जो की हमारा अस्तित्व मिटा देती!

It is good Sadhvi Pragya apologised

Sadhvi Pragya calling Godse a patriot: he was, is and will remain as a patriot and Kamal Hassan (actor, politician and head of a political party) calling Godse, a Hindu terrorist - both are reprehensible.

Did Gandhiji go wrong?

True Gandhians went ahead with Gandhiji's wish of distancing themselves from power and politics. But Nehruvians wore the mask of Gandhiism.

दुर्बलता मृत्यु है

हमारे राष्ट्र और हमें अब शक्तिशाली बनना ही होगा। शक्तिसंपन्न हुए बिना भला अशोक और गाँधीजी का अहिंसा और विश्वशांति का सन्देश "श्रेष्ठतम की उत्तरजीविता" जैसे जंगल के कानून में विश्वास करने वाले संसार को कैसे हम समझा पाएंगे?

Five insightful quotes by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the architect of Akhand Bharat

Sardar Patel combined wisdom, patriotism, and diplomacy to convince Maharajas and Nawabs to join the Indian Republic. Many followed his vision.

The Prime Minister revived and re-invoked Gandhi’s vision into action while the ‘Gandhi dynasty’ forgot the real Gandhi

PM Modi has earned the title a true Gandhian through strict adherence to the principles and by practice and not through public display on Gandhi jayanthi.

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