Picture this: "The Saffron Saga: A Tale of Free Tickets and Unfounded Fear." It would be a blockbuster hit, filled with over-the-top twists and turns, where the power of a free movie ticket holds the world’s fate in its hands.
Since they have no real issues to take on Modi Govt they can only resort of chicanery and fool a section of the Indian public with their lies repeated a thousand times till it sounds like the truth.
The uneducated left cabal have only literates but not learned "journalists" and editors in their midst. Their so called journalistic ethics have already been shredded many a times in past but spreading fake news seems to be their favourite time pass
There have been plenty of instances where the reportage by a media house turns out to be false or if the reportage is not false in its entirety but therein elements deliberately introduced to cater a narrative of the which media house try to propagate, the reporter reporting such news piece cannot be said to be a reporter rather can be said to as an opinion influencer.
अखबार-पत्रिकाएं भले ही अभी बंद हों लेकिन उसमें शोर मचानेवाले चुप नहीं हैं. वे सोशल मीडिया में जाकर चिल्ला रहे हैं कि लॉकडाउन की अवधि बढने से देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर बहुत बुरा असर पड रहा है, गरीबों-किसानों-दिहाडी मजदूरों के सिर पर आसमान टूट पडा है.
रवीश का प्राइम टाइम के दर्शक एकदम मूर्ख होते हैं. वो प्राइमटाइम पहले टीवी पर देखते हैं. फिर यूट्यूब पर इसके बावजूद, जब भी किसी भक्त से भिडंत होती है तो हर बार उन्हें धोबिया पछाड़ का सामना करना पड़ता है.
Mainstream national media, which has so far behaved maturely on this issue should inform the people of what the Citizenship Amendment Act really is and not to provide space to extremist views both from the ruling dispensation and the opposition.
This is actually a nightmare for democracy. We need opposition that can raise real issues with facts. If the ecosystem continues to be fake news paddlers - then we would not have a real check and balance in place for the NDA government.
The way presidential debates being held in US need to be implemented in other ways in this country, so that people are clear of the views and claims of candidates.