Its indeed difficult to make out what common ground the three groups (Islamists, liberals and feminists) who advocate for one another hold. Their core ideology is completely different in reality.
पिछले छह वर्षों में मोदी सरकार द्वारा विभिन्न देशों से खरीदे गए और स्वदेशी रूप से विकसित और निर्मित हथियारों और गोला-बारूद की एक बड़ी सूची है। इसलिए सशस्त्र बलों पर खर्च पहले की सरकार के खर्च की तुलना में बहुत अधिक है।
Even after independence, we chose to drive the people who were the biggest exploiters of humanity and then somehow adopted their culture and started believing their version of our history.
Only during war time or war like situation, we seem to remember our Armed Forces and feel proud of them. At normal times, we don’t seem to care. Do we?
It seems Ms. Roy is hell bent upon reminding the world that how India should not act against terrorism and accept its fate as the perpetrators have nuclear arms.