A very few Keralites know about Mapplah Lahala where scores of tribals and commoners were massacred. Also, the history of how Pazhassi Raja defeated both British and Tipu is conviniently omitted from textbooks.
When entire India celebrated the integration of Kashmir, the entire multitude of Kerala media was busy with bifurcation of Kashmir, demonizing armed forces and predicting that Kerala would be the next ‘TARGET’.
There is total polarisation. Either you are Left or Right. The middle path is lost. Perhaps now another Buddha or Krishna is required to show the way where none exists.
हमारे देश का विपक्ष रचनात्मक और नैदानात्मक राजनीति करने के वजाय अवरोध और प्रतिरोध की राजनीति कर रहा है जो कि किसी देश के शासन को तानाशाही में बदल सकता है।
Even if it means to close your eyes when the democracy is in danger and rally behind a leader who is shredding democratic values to pieces, it's all acceptable and even celebrated by the leftist hypocrite media.
Never before in Indian Independent history did a "non-military" issue evoked such Nationalistic sentiments among the people. Because it was not about brahaminism, casteism or Hindu-Muslim; this time it was all about "Nationalism".
प्रिय लेफ्ट लिबरल्स, ये जान लो, तुम्हारी नौटंकियों का समय अब समाप्त होता हैं। बहुत दिनों से हमको बहुत बेवकूफ बना लिया अब और नहीं। तुम्हारी एक एक चाल हम समझते है और समय पड़ने पर तुमको कड़ी टक्कर मिलती रहेगी।