Saturday, July 27, 2024


Khilafat Movement

MK Gandhi, an extremist of non-violence

Gandhi’s non-violence was of extreme (Charam-panthee) type and anything extreme is unsuitable for human society specifically when it was applicable only on Hindus of British India, who were followers of the Indian National Congress.

इच्छाधारी हिन्दू और डरे हुए “वो” समझ लें हिन्दू क्या है और हिंदुत्व क्या है

जब तक हम "ईश्वर अल्लाह तेरो नाम" के प्रपंच में उलझे रहे तब तक इन्हें कोई परेशानी नहीं थी। जब तक हम अस्तित्वहीन "गंगा जमुनी तहजीब" पर अकारण भरोसा करते रहे, तब तक इन्हें कोई दिक्कत नहीं थी।

मोहपला हिंदुओ का नरसंहार

सन उन्नीसों बीस में गांधी ने केरल का दौरा कर हिंदुओ से खिलाफत आंदोलन के लिए धन इकट्ठा कराया पर उन बेचारे हिंदू को कहाँ पता था ये धन उन्हें खत्म करने में ही इस्तमाल होगा।

CHAURI CHAURA- A century of non-cooperation movement and the ‘Caliphate’ movement

Gandhiji is long gone, his ideology has been revered world over but in his motherland, his Satyagraha and Khadi have turned into political symbols as Khadi has lost its relevance. On the other hand, the extremist ideology of Islamic State ‘Caliphate’ is here to stay.

मोपला में हुआ हिंदुओं का नरसंहार और नॉर्थ ईस्ट दिल्ली में हुए दंगे

यह महज एक हिंदू-मुस्लिम दंगा नहीं अपितु नियोजित सोद्देश्य हिंसा थी उन लोगो ने देखते ही देखते मोपला के 20 हजार से भी ज्यादा हिन्दूओ को काट दिया। जिसमें अनगिनत हिंदू जख्मी हुए और हजारो का धर्म-परिवर्तन हुआ।

Khilafat movement and the Kerala Hindu genocide

omething which even Jinnah brushed off as an irrelevant discussion, why did it entice Gandhi to encourage and join a religious and autocratic Khilafat Movement? Why did he find the Jallianwala Bagh event a small local event in comparison to Khilafat during the initial period?

Anti CAA protests; a Khilafat redux

The parallels are easily seen between Khilafat Movement of 1920 and Anti CAA protests of 2020!

Assaduddin Owasi has no right to question Shri Bhagawat ji

Owaisi questioning of Bhagawat ji is like the pot calling the kettle black.

Remembering Bipin Chandra Pal: Who called Gandhi “Papal Autocrat”

1905-1920 are the foundation years of Muslim appeasement and the horrors of the Partition, and not just about Congress in modern India.

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