Saturday, February 8, 2025



Bharatiya maths is the best in the world: Who knew?

India's Brahmagupta literally created maths from nothing - or more correctly, from Śūnya. Contrasting with our school maths education the British Empire infected the world with, Brahmagupta's maths is pure simplexity - yet almost nobody knows!

Foxes and buffalo: Educated ignorant (2/n)

Know the history before you celebrate anything. Understand the history and make your mind so when you eat a cake, it’s just a cake you are eating and not the history behind it. Not a relevant point but there was Geeta Jayanti on the day of Christmas, how many of us did actually knew it? I have no problem if you remember 25 December but I have problem, when you are made to remember 25 December and forget ‘Kartik Amavasya’. If you are one of them then you are brainwashed but don’t worry, you are not alone!

पंचवक्त्र महादेव मंदिर, मंडी (हिमाचल प्रदेश)

भगवान शिव को समर्पित यह अद्भुत स्थल सुकेती और ब्यास नदियों के संगम पर स्थित है। पंचवक्त्र महादेव मंदिर एक अत्यंत ही प्राचीन धार्मिक स्थल है। इसका निर्माण राजा अजबर सेन ने 16वीं सदी के पूर्वार्द्ध में करवाया था।

25 सितम्बर/जन्म-दिवस एकात्म मानववाद के प्रणेता दीनदयाल उपाध्याय

सुविधाओं में पलकर कोई भी सफलता पा सकता है, किन्तु अभावों के बीच रहकर शिखरों को छूना बहुत कठिन है। 25 सितम्बर, 1916 को जयपुर से अजमेर मार्ग पर स्थित ग्राम धनकिया में अपने नाना पण्डित चुन्नीलाल शुक्ल के घर जन्मे दीनदयाल उपाध्याय ऐसी ही विभूति थे।

Suppressing Maratha history in school textbooks

Secularism has never inspired anyone to do anything, except indulging in laziness. A nation without history is like a man without soul. We urgently need to recast our history books by focusing on a few critical points.

Jahangir was Anti-Hindu Islamic fanatic just like other Mughal rulers, but my professor is in love with him

Jahangir was just like other Mughal Rulers – An Islamic Fanatic who hated Hindus and Hinduism every bit and piece. Still I am being taught wrong about him, that so in the famous Kirori Mal College.

We all are product of our history

History is not the past. It is the present. We carry history with us. We are our history. In other words: You’re a product of your environment.

Who is responsible for the current challenges India is facing as a nation?

We are losing our identity. We are allowing people to question the existence of Bhagwan Shree Ram. Some goons destroy a temple of Mata Durga, and we do nothing about it.

मैं भारत हूँ

मैं भारत हूँ राम का वंशज कृष्ण का अंशरज वेद पुराण उपनिषदों का ज्ञान

Hindu Mahasabha and the partition of West Bengal

Without Hindu Mahasabha and their fight for a Hindu Rashtra, West Bengal would have been a part of East Pakistan after the partition. The Bengali Hindu Homeland Movement and the resistance by Mookherjee and company is the reason why Kolkata and West Bengal became a part of the Indian Union.

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