This article uncovers the lesser-known events surrounding Shah Jahan's relationship with Mumtaz, shedding light on a narrative of revenge rather than love.
Where the Left perspective could have contributed in a wholesome narration, it chose to keep itself far-left. Standing tall with foundational pores in the blowing wind, the current historiography risks breaking its back. To bend, accept positive criticism and course correct may perhaps lead to an amalgamation of Left and Right perspectives of looking at history where they can both act as each other’s checks and balances.
In this article, an eminent personality and grassroots worker who lived his youth years in Andman jail, Vinayak Damodar Das Savarkar will be discussed.
हमें सुखदेव और राजगुरु को भी नहीं भूलना चाहिए जिन्होंने भगत सिंह के साथ ही हंसते हुए फांसी के फंदे को गले लगाया था कि मातृभूमि का उद्धार हो सके। पर इन्हें क्या मालूम था आने वाले समय में भारत के टुकड़े हो जाएंगे।
Side effect of movies and serials on historical figures like Prithviraj Chauhan is accusative sub-standard content written for quick buck of fame and distributed with a stroke of arrogance. For facts to prevail It is imperative to debunk such reviews-turned-coercive-critiques which are 'part of the problem' literature.