Saturday, July 27, 2024



Some battles that the Mughals fought at Delhi

It is often taught in History books that the Mughals had been the apex predators in the military history of India. This article details some of the battles fought at Delhi in which the Mughals have been a party.

A fact-check on vile allegations against Savarkar: Are they true?

In this article, I'm going to examine certain portions of Savarkar's book, 'Six Glorious Epochs of Indian History', which allegedly have contents endorsing rape of Muslim women as a political tool. How true are these claims? Did Savarkar really say something erroneous? It can be understood only after examining the text.

Savarkar: How the left tarnishes him

From inaugurating the Patita Pavana Mandir at Ratnagiri to being an active Hindutva leader who'd unify the Hindus and ask them to rise above their castes — Savarkar was everything.

Debunking Aryan Invasion Theory

The Aryan Invasion Theory had been the political tool of leftists to defame Hindus by creating rift between the imaginary Aryan and Dravidian races. Let's take some of the evidences that are in favor of Aryan Invasion theory and discuss them.

Why CPI should change its name to SPI i.e. Sorry Party of India

The article outlines some serious questionable actions of the C.P.I. before independence.

Sati: Busting claims of it being a Vedic custom

Sati was not at all a dominant societal custom in the Vedic era, nor did it originate from the Vedas. Other major Hindu texts, like the Dharmashastric corpus, which are post-Vedic texts, don't remotely promote Sati.

Thoughts on civilization

The days were indeed violent, and no right-thinking citizen would yearn for their return.

Letter from Shivaji to Aurangzeb on Jiziya

Jizya was not the only tax that Hindus had to pay. Most Oppressive was KHARAJ, which could take away up to 66% of earnings. It was a significant tax right from Akbar's time.

The “Jihad” in Love Jihad: A Quran-Sunnah-Centric Inquiry – Part 1: Hindu Women in Sharia

Part 1 of a series of articles analyzing the alleged "love jihad" phenomenon through the Islamic legal framework.

Bhimrao “Ramji” Ambedkar to Bhimrao Amedkar

From our childhood till adult we were taught that his name was B.R Ambedkar or Babasaheb Ambedkar, but why not RAMJI? Because RAMJI didn’t fit in the narrative of those so called secular historians and parties.

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