The object of this post is to accentuate the similarities in both the fiascoes; the extant rioting in Minneapolis and the anti-CAA fiasco in India not too long ago.
India's left needs to understand that trying to fill opponents with fear is not a good tactic, least of all in a constitutional democracy wherein free speech is a fundamental fight.
अगर राइट विंग वाले भूल जाएँगे की प्रेस की आज़ादी के लिए सिर्फ़ वामपंथी ही रो सकते हैं, तो हम आपको याद दिलाते रहेंगे, जब भी आप कुछ ऐसा करेंगे की जो हमारे नरेटिव को सूट ना करें! आपको अपने दायरें में रहना होगा.
It is true that our Art.19 fundamental right to freedom of speech is not on the same pedestal as First Amendment in the US. Our Constitution has carved out ‘reasonable restrictions’.
Our democracy is partially blind and has no way to distinguish between nationalism and rent seeking behaviour and this is where the society must step in to fill the gaps. We need to list out those who use our nation’s democracy and Constitution to further their personal agendas and remove them from electoral process to begin with.