Saturday, July 27, 2024


Aryans vs Dravidians theory

Debunking Aryan Invasion Theory

The Aryan Invasion Theory had been the political tool of leftists to defame Hindus by creating rift between the imaginary Aryan and Dravidian races. Let's take some of the evidences that are in favor of Aryan Invasion theory and discuss them.

Reality of migration of Hindus to India

What made Mortimer Wheeler, Max Mueller and Thomas Macualey to write against this great nation, its ethos and faith with fake narratives?

The hoax of Aryan invasion theory

It is unfortunate that many schools still teach the AIT not as a mere theory but as the truth.

Chaotic politico-religious equations and entry of BJP in Tamil Nadu

The genes of hate politics against Brahmins, Hindi and Sanskrit language, North Indians as Aryan race, calling all Tamil people except Tamil Brahmins to be Dravidian has gone so deep in the state. 

Lemuria Vazgha Vazgha- Lemur battle cry in the war for the glory of Kumari Kandam

Satire: Explaining and exposing the fake Aryan Dravidian theory created by the opportunists.

Injustice of Justice Party to depressed class and further troll of Tamil Nadu by Dravidian dynasty

If Tamil Nadu has to march towards development and sab ka vikas, Dravidian brand politics of hatred, negativity, anti-Hindu, anti-Hindi, anti-God must end.

Why EV Ramasamy Naicker (EVR) supported a Brahmin and defeated Ramalinga Chettiyar

It appears EVR had compromised his ideologies for personal benefits at least at once and that was how he defeated Ramalinga Chettiyar in Erode and worked for BV Narasimha Iyer and made him victorious.

EV Ramasamy Naicker – A paranoid anti-Brahmin or suppository of British divide and rule ethos

The way EVR abused Tamil language, culture and literature including Tiruvalluvar has to be seen as the part of such greater design.

Has Periyar caused comparative psychosis in TN than competitiveness?

EVR constantly whipped his listeners and followers by saying they belong to Sudra- children of Dasi and to substantiate his obsession and hatred, he always used to abuse God, Hindu culture and Brahmins.

From Periyar Dravidian-ism to Flummoxed Dravidian-ism

Re-invent and preserve Tamil culture and progress should be the political philosophy of Tamil Desiya Iyakkam and not politics of hatred, negativism and anti-Brahmin venom.

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