Saturday, July 27, 2024


Abhinandan Varthaman

Why do we not respect/regard Men In Uniform all the time

Only during war time or war like situation, we seem to remember our Armed Forces and feel proud of them. At normal times, we don’t seem to care. Do we?

Let India’s safety, development and sab ka vikas infuse our blood to re-elect Narendra Modi led BJP govt

The slogan for 2019 should be SAFETY, DEVELOPMENT AND SAB KA VIKAS.

The anatomy of distraction in India

In the name of transparency, proof, we cross the lines, making shameful remarks.

Had the UPA given such confidence and support to our defence forces in the past?

The way several congress men doubt the surgical strike and the non-military pre-emptive air strike at the terrorist base in Pakistan proves nothing but how indifferent the age old party is towards our country and how the age old party and its dynast are questioning the integrity and bravery of our defence forces.

One war India must continue to pursue despite WC Abhinandan’s return

War against Pakistan though is something India never initiated. Never. So, how can it pursue that?

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi won the heart of not only India but also the world

Today India has witnessed what he has achieved for India through his foreign visits and relationship building exercise.

Here’s why Pakistan delayed the handing over of WC Abhinandan to India

From the fake details to the videos shared earlier, they have been trying to sell an image of Pakistan.

What everyone is missing about Pakistan’s sudden ‘Gesture of Peace’?

Indian Govt had made it clear this afternoon that there won't be any deals or negotiations with Pakistan to get the WC back.

Say #YesToJustice for our Abhinandans!

44 Abhinandans were not martyred but murdered mercilessly on Valentine's day and then 'MURDER' of those Abhinandans were celebrated as well in some parts of India.

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