One dynast decided to sit on the laurels of his ancestors and one decided to take his father's legacy forward with his hard work and the result is for everyone to see.
As long as one tries to apply the western thought to analyse 2019 LS elections and approaches with a hidden agenda, the conclusions drawn would be flawed and far from reality.
Today a Hindustani won who never invaded any foreign country in its 10000 year old history but has been constantly attacked on his sovereignty because now he is empowered to give befitting replies to these attacks.
The Big Lie strategy has all the hallmarks of a group of people who are inexperienced, at least in the Indian political milieu. Their approach is easy politically, grabs people’s attention, keeps the message simple and gets a lot of media attention.
“We cannot solve the poverty problem but we can definitely make the middle-class poorer,” seems to be the Congress motto this time. Enough to scare the middle-class.
प्रत्याशी की जाति क्या है इसे देखकर टिकट का बटवारा भी किया जाता है। अगर किसी प्रत्यासी ने विकास के नाम पर, अपने कार्य के नाम पर वोट मांगने की जुर्रत दिखाई तो हो सकता है उसे मुँह की खानी पड़े।