Friday, October 18, 2024
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This is why BJP is the only democratic political party in India


India is the largest democracy of the world. But do the political parties of the largest democracy support internal democracy? No! Most parties in India are private limited companies owned by families and being lead by second generation politicians or in some cases the second generation politicians are waiting to take over the reins of the party. Yadavs’ Samajwadi Party, Thackerays’ Shiv Sena, Lalu’s RJD, Badals’ Akali Dal, Patnayaks’ BJD, Abdullahs’ National Conference, and the list goes on.

No no, I didn’t forget Congress. Congress is the Godfather of dynasty politics in India inspiring other regional parties to follow the model. The oldest political party of India was hijacked by Jawaharlal Nehru who either finished off his competitors (like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose) or overshadowed and suppressed them (like Sardar Patel).

Jawahar Lal Nehru turned the party into his private company with the right to lead going to his offsprings. First Nehru and then Indira made sure that they are the unambiguous owners of Congress with all other smaller leaders allowed a certain degree of freedom to rule and loot under their noses as long as they keep bowing their head to them.

Congress has got a track record of putting non-Nehru Gandhi leaders into oblivion. Remember Sitaram Kesari, P V Narsimha Rao etc. More recently, there used to be Jyanthi Natarajan? Someone remembers her? She dared to utter few words against Gandhis. See, what I mean. The gang of Nehru-Gandhi loyalists sacrificed all the leaders just to keep dynasty alive.

From the oldest political party to the latest political party aspiring to be a national party. A party who captured the imagination of many who were tired of the corruption by the Dynasty controlled party. Even though Aam Aadmi Party is a relatively new party, but it’s Supremo Arvind Kejriwal  has regulated his party in a ruthless way, kicking anyone and everyone out who dared to differ with him, let alone question him.

A person who came into power on the promises of doing different politics has gone wrong on the first hurdle itself. He’s guilty of promoting the Supremo culture in the party. Arvind Kejriwal has kicked out the people who had equal role in establishing the party as himself. Arvind is surrounded by his own set of slaves who keep flattering him. No one dares question him for the fear of getting kicked out. Aam Aadmi is slowly and surely getting moulded into a newer version of Congress with Kejriwal as its supreme leader.

Do you know any other party who doesn’t have all this? Yes, Bhartiya Janata Party is the only democratic party in India.

From Vajpayee, Advani, Joshi to Narendra Modi and Amit Shah, party has been blessed by leaders who came from the grass root levels and reached the top of the party. So, why are these leaders different from the leaders in other parties?

Can you name any significant leader ever thrown out of party for questioning any leader of the party? Narendra Modi is a person who comes from a humble background and rose to be the biggest leader of the largest political party in India. Even after such an overwhelming success in Elections and with such a big clout in party, he never threw anyone out of the party.

Every now and then Advani gives a statement to media that goes against party line. Never has Modi or any other leader uttered a word against Advani. More recently Arun Shourie and sitting BJP MP openly revolted against Modi and BJP for their personal reasons. Even then, we are still to hear a word from Narendra Modi’s mouth against these leaders.

If these people were in any other political party, they would have been breathing the last breaths of their political carreers. Any grass root worker of BJP can aspire and work his way to the top of the party. Can the same be said about other parties? That is why BJP is today the only democratic political party in India.

Ten symptoms of a Psychopath – find out which leader meets those


When Chief Minister of Delhi called the Prime Minister of India, a psychopath, I was tempted to look for symptoms of psychopath using the good old internet, mainly to see whether his description fits or not.

Surprisingly, even before I had read half of the symptoms, I found that the symptoms were not pointing in the direction Arvind Kejriwal had intended.

However, I am unwilling to cloud reader’s mind with my own observations and invite all to read on, make your own judgements, reach your own conclusions. Here are the ten symptoms of a psychopath:

Arvind Kejriwal
Are you a psychopath?

GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH — a grossly inflated view of one’s abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Psychopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.

CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS: the use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #5 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one’s victims.

LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT: a lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted and unempathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one’s victims.

FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS: a failure to accept responsibility for one’s actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate others through this denial.

PATHOLOGICAL LYING — can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative and dishonest.

CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY: a lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.

POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS: expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.

LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS: an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lacking direction in life. MANY SHORT-TERM RELATIONSHIPS: a lack of commitment to a long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable commitments in life.

CRIMINAL VERSATILITY: a diversity of types of criminal offenses, regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them; taking great pride at getting away with crimes or wrongdoings.

Having read all the symptoms, I am sure readers would have formed a firm opinion on the person the symptoms point to. My view, however, is that the symptoms point to Arvind Kejriwal himself. I request readers to share their view on whether they agree to this or not.

Sources used–

Arvind Kejriwal approached for Hate Story-4


Since the inception of the Hate Story series, it has always appealed a certain section of audience. People have a certain kind of expectation from the series. But at this stage, it has to expand its fan base to survive in the industry & to get promoted to 100cr club. As per the producers, there is a lot of competition in the industry. With the introduction of several bold beauties, the series is losing its uniqueness. People think why should they spend their money on this series for a few songs when they have other options in the similar category like Mastizaade & Kya Kool Hai hum-3 etc.

Recently there is a talk in B-Town that a famous politician has been approached for Hate Story-4. As per our reports, Producers of the series (Ashutosh, Vishal & Ashish – not the usual suspects) were having a detailed discussion on the future of Hate Story. During the discussion, Vishal suggested to approach – hold your breath – Mr. Arvind Kejriwal.

Initially, everybody was spellbound at this outrageous suggestion and looked at Vishal again to confirm that he is not Vishal Dadlani. Looking at the numb faces, Vishal spoke again to justify his casting choice. As per our trusted source Ankit (not from IIT), Vishal elaborated, “See friends, we need to move away from the usual storyline and surprise the audience. We need to skip the skin show and get a revengeful common man’s face to reach wider audience base. Let me give you some points in favor of Mr. Kejriwal then you decide whether you have a better choice than him”

1. Mr. Kejriwal is a movie buff & he already understands how movies work. Every Friday even the biggest movie reviewers wait for M. Kejriwal’s verdict before publishing their ratings. KRK is reportedly miffed with his reviews as the “entertainment” he used to provide in 15-20 minutes video is now available on Twitter in just 140 characters. And the other reviewers are just afraid to defy Mr. Kejriwal otherwise they fear to face another press conference where their alleged inflated box office numbers & ratings will be exposed.

2. Detractors of Mr. Kejriwal call him, “Drama queen”. Though many of his supporters vehemently deny that but most of them accept in private that Mr. Kejriwal certainly is a good actor. For example, during the agitation on farmers’ issue on Land bill, Mr. Kejriwal with his skills convinced many people that he could not predict the unfortunate incident so he could not stop it.

3. Now let me elaborate the Hate part. Since last few days it was evident from his (abusive) tweets for Mr. Modi or even Mr. Gandhi and also from the leaked phone calls, where he described what he aspires to do with Mr. Yogendra Yadav & Mr. Prashant Bhushan. There are lot many examples where hatred on his face was eviden for CBI & many other leaders. And looking at his credentials, if we cast Mr. Kejriwal then we can easily get Anurag Kashyap on board.

4. Through Mr. Kejriwal, we can convey a sense of unpredictability. He can convincingly take U-Turns in the movie whenever he wants, with conviction. So, we don’t need to explicitly cast a protagonist & an antagonist. Mr. Kejriwal can play both the roles convincingly. I think, we have many such examples like changing his stand on Lalu ji & Sheila ji etc. to substantiate this theory.

5. We can easily get Vishal Dadlani & Kumar Vishvas as our Music Director & Lyricist respectively without any effort or money. The locations in Delhi will be easily available and can also request Mr. Kejriwal to get an exemption from Odd Even rule for the crew.

6. And last but the least – Publicity. Mr. Kejriwal has a dedicated fan base, at least in the virtual world. We don’t have to a hire a separate PR team to trend on Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites. Think about the excellent free publicity. Also later on, the money saved, can be used to pull the crowd to theatre by gifting them Topi & Jhadu (that can appeal both AAP & Swacch Bharat supporters). Casting Kejriwal will, not only pull AAP supporters to theatres but the detractors also, so that they can watch, praise, criticize, make fun– basically publicize it more.

The other two producers (Ashutosh & Ashish) then looked convinced & applauded Vishal for his creative thinking. They have now decided to approach Mr. Kejriwal for the role and then decide the storyline, rest of the cast etc. as per Mr. Kejriwal’s suggestions (read permission). Tune in to this space later for more updates.

Shobhaa De starts her own school, will teach how to be on TV News channels on any topic


What’s common between Dizzy Logic by which our correspondents work and De (Shobhaa)? Well both start with a D!

Our dizzy reporter (as usual guided by Dizzy Logic!) filed this report. And now for the intro on Dizzy logic.

“There is logic and then there is Intuitionist logic and then there is propositional, predicate, modal, temporal, moral logic”

Got it, let’s jump to De and her school.

It’s a sweltering sunny afternoon at Shobhaa De’s Cuffe Parade residence in Mumbai. The hastily erected extra rooms serve as classrooms cum offices for De’s School of Publicity called “The DE (Desperate-to-be-in-the Evening-News) School”

A batch of young aliens (their identity has been protected by the school authorities, but our suspicion is they are Martians. Without NASA’s knowledge they ended up tracing the way back to earth, following an American rocket!).

Go Clown - India's Biggest Comedy in Literature
Shobhaa De & her Aliens!

It’s the sixth grade in the school of publicity and they are busy reading a lesson on a character called “Pangaa Ley TwitterPey”. Apparently the character must have added an extra “a” to her first name Panga, for numerology reasons.

She Tweets on twitter: “I just ate some NEWS and I am vomiting it on Twitter. Come and controversy me!”

Without any regards for English grammar (Twitter pey sab chalta hai!), the aliens are taught the sixth law of Publicity:

“Always hook on to the NEWS of the day, try to connect yourself to it. In the afternoon Tweet on it, and in an outrageous way. In the evenings, talk on it at the various talk shows of the evening new,s for the TV channels, in an outlandish way”

The young aliens are then made to repeat the law 3 times and write it two times. “The fundamentals of publicity need to be strong!”, says the teacher.

In another grade, the students are taught “Always talk as if you represent India, it doesn’t matter if you vacation in Paris, use fancy English words which 90% of India doesn’t understand, travel around in posh localities of Delhi and Mumbai in big cars, you will still represent the hard-working, unclean, sweat-emitting common man and woman of India!”

In another assignment which was given to a bunch of eight graders they had to write an essay on “How to poke the lunatic/fringe elements of political parties, who are thirsting for a Tamasha?”

The winning answer was from one of the brightest students who is also a topper in the class, in this DE’s (Desperate-to-be-in-the Evening-News) School.

The gist of his answer said:

“Always link yourself to those who are looking for Publicity, especially political parties. Take a stand, even if no one asks you. Always say “India wants this, India wants that…” The idea is that you represent India. And no matter what, stay in the news! Use all your contacts. If you have 10,000 Twitter followers, go for 10, 0000 Twitter followers. If you have 10, 0000 Twitter followers, go for 10, 00000 Twitter followers.

But remember this: Publicity, Publicity and Publicity!”

Theatrics of Rahul Gandhi and Kejriwal against Modi


There seems to be a rush amongst the opposition leaders to link every issue in the world to Modi and be in the limelight by abusing Modi. Its no secret that India Media loves those who attack Modi. So if you want to be in news, say something nasty against Modi and you get the Media attention.

This is precisely what Rahul Gandhi has been trying by attacking Modi on everything (most of it silly). Kejriwal has realized he is losing out on this and used this CBI raid to his advantage by reclaiming the media attention.

However test of leadership is in adversity and the hysterical reaction from Kejriwal (most of it drama) does show him as a poor leader. A person who reacts like this on a raid on a tainted bureaucrat- how will he react if he were to be the PM and say Pak attacked India? But to a section of people, this would appear to be heroic and their lies his vote bank.

In today’s times in India, there is no leader like Modi when it comes to show strength and composure during adverse times. More I see people like Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal react in panic and nastily, more I get convinced that India is in safe hands under Modi.

Mrs Kejriwal, only you can guide your husband now – An open letter


Dear Sunita ji,


I was just trying to figure out and find a person who has an authority to tell Arvind even an iota of truth.

I thought of Anna ji, but Arvind has ditched him and for Arvind he was just an old man whose shoulder he could use to climb for fulfilling his then unrevealed political ambitions.

Then I thought of the other key members of the India Against Corruption Movement. I thought of Shanti Bhushan,Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav  as possible people he might respect. Shanti Bhushan commands no respect from Arvind. Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav, two men who could have the guts to correct him if he was wrong or have a different opinion than him,and were perhaps two people in the party more intelligent than him and could voice concerns openly were not only thrown out of the party but manhandled at Arvind’s instructions. They made the grave mistake of pointing fingers at a ‘Doodh ka Dhulha’.

It is now well known what happens to anyone in the party who raises his voice against unethical activities in the party and has an independent opinion, different from Arvind. Amongst other political parties the people whom Arvind secretly listens to and advises these days, are the same people he abused and accused of corruption earlier, and made a reputation for himself as a corruption crusader.

After considering all possible people,I could think of only three people who can attempt to guide Arvind and get away with, unharmed.

Two of them are your children Harshita and Pulkit.

I have chosen to ignore dear Harshita and dear Pulkit because Arvind even vowed upon both of them that he won’t ever take Congress’ support to form government, but unfortunately when an opportunity came, in his lust for power, he backed out from even this promise.

Which leaves only one person on this planet,who can guide Arvind honestly.

That is you Sunita ji. As was evident when he won the Delhi elections, Arvind undoubtedly loves you a lot. During the India Against Corruption Movement, Arvind was perceived to be a honest man who thinks of the country, even by many people who think of him as a fraud/stooge today. That faith which people had in him, helped him to such a meteoric rise.

But within just few years, this image he carried of being a man who was committed to the well being of the nation, ahead of his own, has crashed heavily. When he thought that he had a chance of becoming PM, he left Delhi to go to Varanasi and lost badly, but later apologized which gave him a chance to have a second innings.

But whatever little credibility was left has been thoroughly exposed in this second stint.

Sunita ji, you would be aware how Gajendra, a man who looked incapable of committing suicide,hanged himself right in front of Arvind and Arvind continued his speech.

It is said, a similar staged incident was planned during IAC movement when Annaji was on Anshan. Some of the organisers who were an integral part of the event had asked volunteers to arrange for a guy who could threaten to set himself on fire by pouring kerosene upon himself and he would be saved just before he could light a matchstick and set himself on fire. Fortunately,they couldn’t arrange a guy to do this. Though the modus operandi of that unfortunate afternoon near Jantar Mantar was similar, what exactly happened because of which Gajendra accidentally hanged himself, probably Arvind might know.

Then his support to Jasleen in an orchestrated incident was thoroughly exposed. In September, he even gave a virtual clean chit to former chief minister Sheila Dikshit after continuously accusing her of corruption, ever since he came into limelight.

But Sunita ji,this week Arvind has stooped to new lows. He attributed the death of a child in an unrelated incident to the railway demolition drive, when as per reports in all leading newspapers, the child’s father has clearly said that the child passed away hours before the demolition drive. Such insensitivity towards a child’s death to gain political mileage is very inhuman and is not needed for a capable man like Arvind.

Sunita ji, 3 years ago on this day,one of India’s brave daughters Nirbhaya was brutally raped and murdered. Arvind had agitated against the government then. But now, as per reports in various newspapers, the Delhi govt has told the High Court that it plans to give Rs 10,000 and a sewing machine to the brutal rapist of Nirbhaya when he is released. Nirbhaya’s parents are deeply hurt and feel this is like giving a licence to rapists by Arvind’s government. This is corruption of a different kind by Arvind.

If giving a chance to a person returning from jail is the intention, then there are plenty of prisoners languishing in jail for far pettier crimes, maybe helping release them and giving them jobs would have been a sensible alternative.
Do you support a reward for such a brutal rapist, who inserted an iron rod and extracted her uterus, just because of his name. I am sure you would never ever want to go to get your clothes stitched from this tailor. You can influence Arvind to take back his decision on this. Can you ?

Arvind had always been advocating CBI raids to be conducted on officials unannounced, until obviously he himself became a Chief Minister. Rajasthan’s mining secretary was earlier arrested in a similar raid, without informing the BJP CM there. But a CBI raid conducted unannounced at his ex IIT batchmate and current Principal Secretary Rajinder Kumar’s office made Arvind resort to an outburst which is still unbelievable. This Rajinder Kumar has also been Arvind’s PS when Arvind was CM for those 49 days. And as per reports,this Rajinder Kumar has serious corruption charges against him and Transparency International had warned Arvind against him way back in May, but Arvind failed to take any action against him. In the conducted raids, substantial money has been recovered and he has been booked for criminal misconduct and conspiracy.

Why would Arvind panic if he knows there is nothing wrong at a place which he runs according to his whims and fancies. If nothing was found out at the raids, he could have probably created a noise later saying that they had come to raid,but couldn’t find anything against anyone. Such shouting and abusing only makes it obvious that he fears of some of his misdeeds coming out.

And following the raid on his close aide who is booked for criminal conspiracy, instead of condemning his aides actions, Arvind chose an abusive language for a democratically elected Prime Minister,which is very regrettable, but probably very subdued in comparison to the one Arvind is used to in venting out anger and frustration at anything which doesn’t go according to his plan or anything that catches him by surprise. The International Media took notice and headlines read “Delhi Politician calls Indian Prime Minister a coward”. Such antics remain Arvind’s only claim to fame now.

In contrast, my and your PM, our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi offered a glass of water to one of Arvind’s protesting MP, whose throat had dried shouting slogans against our PM,blaming him for the CBI catching misdeeds carried out by Arvind’s close aide.

Sunita ji, please help Arvind and have the strength to let him know that, ‘crusader of corruption’ is an identity which he has long lost because of his instability,hypocrisy and lust for power. However,with you as his wife, he is at an advantage of being in a situation where he can overcome this downfall by stopping unethical means for attention, stopping cribbing for everything and going about his job gracefully with some dignity.

I say this because he is a very capable man,who has just lost his way,and the country will be better of with such capable men who have made a mark,not straying from the path they promised. It will also mean a healthy democracy.

But with this new set of alliance of which Arvind is a part along with his now beloved Laloo, Mamta and gang,
it will be safe to say ‘Sab Mile Huye Hain Ji’ (All opposition parties are aligned) just to malign our Prime Minister Narendra Modi at any cost.

I hope you are not bullied  and wish you all the best in making an attempt to help Arvind.


Setting The Narrative and how the Right Wing has lost the plot


It has been 19 Months or so since Mr. Modi came to power. There has been a usual plot to political events. It is not like it was not being carried earlier but then BJP was in Opposition and People were fed up of Scams of UPA-2. But now that BJP is in power the promised Acche Din are not visible to Common Man cause Mr. Modi is planning for long term. Meanwhile though The Plot is getting lost. Here is the usual run of things that is continuing in a loop

  1. A Lie is published blaming Modi Govt or Right-Wing or Distorting Comments of BJP/RSS/Hindu Organisation Members to suit Leftist/Secular Agenda
  2. Bhaktas come out in Defence. They point facts, they make funny memes, they trend it on twitter, highlight it on Facebook and some even abuse
  3. The person who started the fact distortion or rumor mongering cries victim
  4. Bhaktas again point to facts and some abuse more
  5. Then the Leftists and Seculars start another lie and the usual cycle follows

I have been on Twitter only since 2013 but there have been people who have seen this, outraged about it and moved to next outrage for five years or more now.  Isn’t this getting exhaustive? When are you gonna learn? Facts aren’t really what win you the elections it is The Narrative that wins you an election. At this point in time I am very sorry to say this but BJP and Bhaktas are losing The Narrative as well as The Plot. You can very well say goodbye to 2019 Elections if the same cycle keeps repeating.

Bhaktas keep believing they are destroying the Opposition with Facts but the truth is the Leftists Media and Seculars are controlling The Narrative and you are just reacting to The Narrative. All BJP and Bhaktas do is outrage and hold some flimsy defense. BJP IT Cell and BJP Think Tank doesn’t help the cause one bit by letting golden opportunities go which can easily put the Opposition in the dock.

Meanwhile Delhi and Bihar have been lost to The Narrative. Maharashtra has no clear majority and BJP have to take support of a not so reliable partner. Punjab, UP and Bengal would most probably be lost due to bad governance by allies, no mass leader and no real footing in the States. But a loss is a loss none the less.

At this time I always marvel at the fact how the UPA-2 controlled allies using CBI while BJP has trouble controlling Opposition inspite of absolute majority. You need to be mesmerized by the fact that a single phone call was enough to stop telecast of a Sting Operation by a major Media House and Reporter(even though Bhaktas find him not so credible). Inspite of so many scams and so many shortcomings I couldn’t see one Intolerance Debate or anyone crying Vendetta Politics.

Bhaktas keep using term like “Paid Media”, “Presstitute” and “Sickulars” but reality is these Media Houses, Secular Twitters and Writers are only pawns in the otherwise grand scheme that is The Narrative. That is being set by Outside Forces and Political Parties who are sponsoring the so called Media Houses. I don’t blame Media Houses. I don’t blame Outside Forces and Secular/Leftists/Islamists/Missionaries who set The Narrative either. I blame BJP and Bhaktas for not learning and trying to set their own narrative.

If Media can be paid then why isn’t BJP and Bhaktas sponsoring the so-called Right-Wing Media Channels, Websites and Newspapers. If lies can be spread regarding BJP then why cannot facts about Leftists/Secularists be propogated? If Hindus are shown as superstitious, casteists and hateful bunch then why not show the mirror to Abrahamacs after learning a little about them. What’s stopping the HDL’s, VHS and Sanatan Dharmi’s from learning about Abrahamac Barbarity and Torture and showing it to others in India? All I see is them defending Hinduism and abusing without any fact finding.

Rights and Wrong do not matter in Politics. Neither do they matter in Real Life. It wasn’t the Righteousness which won the Mahabharata War. It was won thanks to Krishna who did the wrong thing to ensure that right side won. I would get my fair bit of abuse for this article but I hope a few rationalists right wing would listen and start setting The Narrative. Unless you do that you would lose The Whole Plot.

Spiritual Kashi welcomes PM Modi, Japan PM Shinzo Abe


A grand welcome was given to both Prime Minister when they touched down at the Lal Bahadur Shashtri International Airport at around 4:30 PM. They were received by Uttar Pradesh Governor Ram Naik and Chief Minister AkhileshYadav.


Memorable moments of the day as the visit turn out to be grand affair.

Special gift to Varanasi

Japan Prime Minister announced that a Convention Centre will be built in Varanasi with Japanese assistance. This will surely enhance cultural-spiritual bonding of two nations.

Welcome Musical & Cultural at Babatpur Airpot


Sound of music at Assi Ghat

Shehnai maestro of Kashi Vishwanath Temple Pandit Mahendra Prasana played ‘Japanese Welcome song’ at Assi Ghat to welcome Abe and Modi. He also played ‘Vandematram’ song to celebrate the honor of nation and remind that Varanasi listed in Creative Cities Network as ‘City of Music’ by UNESCO.


Banners, Welcome Hoardings everywhere!
All the major crossings have been cleaned and decked up to welcome Modi and Abe. One just cannot miss the ‘Welcome boards’, made up of flowers, installed in most localities where the two dignitaries are likely to visit. The hoardings also carry welcome messages.


Locals have also decorated their house and shops with Modi and Abe’s posters and flags of both countries.


The ‘key’ to Varanasi

As per the traditional customs, whenever a foreign chief visits the temple city with the country’s PM, mayor gives him the key to enter the city and while returning the country’s representative returns the key. The tradition is being followed for Modi, Abe visit too by Varanasi Mayor Ram Gopal Mohle.


Maha Ganga Aarti at decked-up Dashaswamedh Ghat

With heightened security arrangements, historical Dashaswamedh Ghat has turned into fortress. For the special Ganga Aarti organized for Modi and Abe, nine priests instead of five performed it while 18 young women in tradition attire assisted them. Beauty of Ghat is truly awesome.



Memorable Moment, as both the Prime Minister enjoyed the spirituality & cultural divinity of the city & received blessings from Maa Ganga. Both the Prime Minister also performed Maa Ganga Aarti.

How the Congress-Media nexus is hurting India’s prospects


The monsoon session of Parliament has started and it looks like we are veering towards yet another washout of the session. Critical bills like Goods and Service Tax (GST) are scheduled to be discussed in this session along with other important legislation. But, in a surreal way, the upper house of the Parliament is not being allowed to function because of corruption of the opposition party. Day after day, Rajya Sabha is getting disrupted by Congress on flimsy grounds and the whole country is left watching in dismay. It is broadly accepted across the political spectrum that GST is an important piece of legislation which will prove to be a gamechanger in Indirect Taxation of our country. In a rare instance of political unity, there is virtually unanimous agreement across political parties that implementing GST will have many benefits. The GST bill needs to be passed urgently and everyone recognizes it. Yet, how are we remaining mute spectators while Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi treat Parliament as a playground of their family mansion.

It is very clear that the National Herald case has nothing to do with Government or Parliament. It is the personal problem of the Gandhi family and they need to sort it out in courts. They do not have the right to damage the national interests of India by obstructing Parliament activities. Yet, Congress and family seem to be getting away with such an absolute disregard towards the progress of the country. The reason that Congress and family can do this is because they have an extensive control of the public opinion. The general public depends upon the media to inform them about what is really happening in political circles. Unfortunately, Congress has a vice-like grip on the disseminators of public opinion. Large sections of Print media, Electronic media and even Digital media enjoy the patronage of the Congress party. This enables them to control public opinion and manufacture consent as the noted linguist, Noam Chomsky puts it.

It is not that the general public does not recognize the infiltration of a political party into our Media. A large number of people have a cynical attitude towards whatever the mainstream media is presenting to them. Most people can see through the Congress Brigade omnipresent in our Media. But since there are not many alternatives to the existing structure of mainstream media, people have to perforce put up with the existing media mafia. Until this venomous arrangement between Congress and Media is disbanded and destroyed, we will continue to see our Parliament and by extension our country being held ransom to the whims and fancies of one family.

In the current scenario, it is extremely important that we, the general public, call Congress out and let it know that we are not falling for yet another set of lies and deceit. We are a highly aspirational society and we cannot afford to let the development agenda be derailed by a political party’s self interests. Even the Congress needs to realize that unless it aligns its own interests with what the country wants it will be sent packing into political oblivion. It should focus less on political jugglery and manipulation and instead concentrate its efforts on developing the country. It may have the media in its pockets right now but it should not depend on it. Media professionals who can be bought cannot be considered as dependable allies. Once it is publicly known that Congress is a sinking ship, the same media professionals will be the first to jump ship and move on.

The media is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy. It has a collective responsibility to safeguard the national interests and also it needs to ensure that the public is informed of what is truly happening in our society. Instead, the media became the slaves of the powerful and took the responsibility of running their PR machinery. Infact, it’s not an exaggeration to state that the biggest impediment to India’s prosperity is a lack of objective and impartial Media agencies. An impartial media would never have allowed Congress to make a farce out of our Parliament. Congress and family would have been shown their place as they would have lost the perception battle. Congress would have known it cannot play around with issues of national importance by treating it as a piece of negotiation tool. If there ever was a time to outrage on an important issue this is it. We need to debate and spend time on this critical issue. Our Parliament is being driven into irrelevance and yet there is no outrage from our so called intellectuals.

Even now, all is not lost. The monsoon session ends on 23rd December. There is still time to discuss the merits and demerits of the GST bill and pass it in Rajya Sabha. We have already squandered away precious sessions in Parliament and wasted valuable time with hardly any productive outcome. It is time to make amends by focussing on the right things. The national narrative needs to change immediately to ensure India is set on the right path of achieving its true potential.

A “bhaitard” pens down his feelings on acquittal of Salman Khan


I never believed that there is intolerance in India until yesterday when people started opposing the SCRIPT, sorry verdict that our BHAI is not VILLAIN.

There is so much controversy because he belongs to double minority group (he is a Muslim and a Star). He has suffered for 13 years (in words of Subhash Ghai) but people are not satisfied even after this (don’t ask about suffering of victims, nobody actually cares about them).

Yes being a BHAITARD, I was also disappointed but for different reason because it was not announced that BHAI was actually HERO of that night. Of course, we cannot accept any story until BHAI is lead hero!

And why not? He was the one who saved all other people on that footpath (by not running over them) and maybe footpaths of whole Mumbai, only BHAI know the truth.

Some foolish Bhai haters rejoiced when before interval BHAI was declared VILLAIN, but they didn’t know that ki “PICTURE ABHI BAAKI THI MERE DOST”(Never underestimate POWER of bhai”).

What were evidences against SALLU BHAI? An eye witness inside the car, dozens of eyewitnesses outside the car, statement of waiter of bar, bill of liquor consumed. Ohh such weak evidences! What does it prove? I knew from very beginning that Sallu bhai was as innocent as a lamb (no no, actual lamb, not the one in wolf clothing).

He had so many evidences in favour of him- He was rich, he was a star, he was famous, he had great lawyers, and above all a good connection in political circle. Besides this, charges against him were so naïve – killing some street beings (Abhijeet Da even wanted to write to PM to award Bhai for contribution to Swachh Bharat i.e. cleaning street dogs). And you thought he was guilty? Poor you.

It is also slap on face of those who say that his movies lack story and he doesn’t know acting. Just look at the whole plot perfectly acted and directed with all drama and suspense. Witness died mysteriously in middle of it (how dare he  challenge DABANG? Doesn’t he know BHAI never speaks lie, bajrang bali ke bhakt hai jhooth nai bolenge. No, no, don’t laugh. We have an SC judge who thinks that since Sanjay Dutt acted in Lage Raho Munna Bhai, he is changed man. If he can be MUNNABHAI then why not BAJRANGI?).

Case diary just vanished and later reappeared. And the best was reserved for the end: sudden appearance of driver out of nowhere (no it’s just rumour that there is sudden surge in demand for Indian drivers abroad, poor Kasab if only he had driver to take all blame). But congratulations to Salman its his best release till date.

Salman is always conscious of choosing date of release be it EID or DIWALI but he has nailed this time. What could had been better release date than “HUMAN RIGHT’S DAY”? (so appropriate after all he is already in business of selling humans sorry “BEING HUMAN”. I don’t know if he had also brought some in process)

Ohh, I forgot to tell you the climax of all this. At the end, it was revealed that it was car that was drunk and footpath that was over-speeding and whole plan was hatched by aliens so that when BHAI would have been in jail they would could attack and capture our planet. Thanx to BHAI-Danger is now averted.

Now, I am anxiously waiting for his next release”CHINKARA KO KISNE MAARA?”. However I already know its ending. SPOILER alert- “Chinkara was killed by no one. He actually committed suicide”.