Earlier today, a fundraiser had gone viral on social media where a trans-woman, Gaurang alias Prakriti, had raised funds for laser hair removal. Soon, a screenshot had gone viral on social media wherein it was said that Alt News cofounder Pratik Sinha had also started a fundraiser. However, instead of hair removal, it claimed it was for hair transplant.
It claimed that out of 80,000 funds required, 43,101 were already raised for his hair transplant. This screenshot of fundraiser for hair transplant went viral after Sinha posted on Twitter where he urged his haters to not call him ‘taklu’ (bald) as it does not offend him anymore.
An earnest request to dear trolls. pic.twitter.com/87dR3bcZvC
— Pratik Sinha (@free_thinker) June 2, 2021
However, the above image is fake. In fact, another such image had gone viral where The Wire journalist Rohini Singh was shown as if she was raising funds to get plastic removed.
“Help 2BHK with her plastic removal treatment”, the screenshot read.
However, as one can see, these are all fake images.
The above image are photoshopped from the fundraiser page of one Gaurang alias Prakriti.
As one can see, the amount raised, actual supporters and other details in these three screenshot are same as that of Gaurang alias Prakriti, who is the original fundraiser.