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Muktipada Lalitaditya- The invincible king

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Sanat Bhardwaj
Sanat Bhardwaj
Believer and follower of Sanatan. I have firm faith one day Sanatan will show the world the path of peace prosperity and moral value. World could be better and more beautiful if and only if Sanatan Values are followed. I am Sanat Bhardwaj 48 years old freelancer and public speaker on Business and Finance.

Unparalleled incomparable and insurmountable the three words of excellence together can describe King Muktipada Lalitaditya in the world of documented history. The Life and achievement of King of Kashmir which has been erased from the book of history and memory of Sanatan Samaj is as tragic as burning of Great Nalanda University.

The posterity to come one day would realize, the dirt of fake historians and their filthy work which has eroded the memories of valour and military power Indian King and Sanatan Samaj Which they had gracefully achieved and displayed.

The Story of Muktaditya Lalitaditya is unbelievable and of fathomless importance.

The KarKota Empire (625 AD to 885 AD) was the kingdom that flourished in present day Kashmir which ascended on the demise of Kannuj (Famous King Harshvardhan) in 7th century. Karkota dynasty was founded by King Durlarvardhan where later on Muktaditya Lalitaditya became the great warrior King in around 740 AD.

Lalitaditya Muktapida had one of the largest empire of the World. He is rated as one of the finest warrior and martial king the world political History has ever documented. His unbelievable conquest while expanding his political territory can be comparable to few like Alexander from Greece, Romans Empire and Ivan 2nd of Russia. Some of more known and oft repeated Kingdom of Medieval like Ottoman of Turkey, Safavids of Iran, and Mugals in India were pygmies before the might and Valour of Karkota under Lalitaditya.

Lalitaditya begun the political expansion of kingdom after ascending the throne in no time and in all the direction. He went onto cross the Himalayan range of north until then considered to be inconvincible mountain terrain and impregnable northern boundary. Gazni the modern Afganistan fell through in first raid and that was subjugated immediately. The route to Afganistan led him to take complete control over silk route, Gilgit and Baltistan. He defeated the Tibetians king from Gilgit and Baltistan and defined the present day northern frontier.  His martial ability was like as seamless as a poet`s flowing lyrics.

In the east the concept of nation Bharat had never erased from public memory and frontier strategic location like Kucha, Turfan and Assam (Including present day Bengal), which were under the suzerainty of Tibet king in those days, became part of Lalitaditya`s eastern frontiers. The journey that he started from kannuj went on and on up to Assam and Gaud.

His campaign thereafter moved into Central to Southern direction. He went on to his expedition into the territory of modern-day Maharastra (Konkan) in the south west and Pallava as well as Kalinga in South.

Thus in no time and in his earliest expedition itself, he expanded up to boundary of River Cauvery in the South, Afganistan in the West, Gaud (North Bengal) in the East. At this scale he could be called to have matched the resource and might of political Kingdom of Samrat Ashok. But Lalitaditya did not stop here.

On the Eastern front, he went on for another successful raid and conquered the area of Laddakh and portion of north Tibet. Even bold was the move to venture into china and capturing portion of China adjoining that. Tibetans who had by then established into Indian northern territory around Laddakh, Gilgit, Baltisatan and in eastern boundary around assam were pushed deep into their country side and in this process King Lalityaditya defined the boundary of Bharat deep into the present day of China.

On the western front, he led a successful expedition to decimate Junaid one Arab vassal of Sindh, Momin of Bukhara (Uzbekistan), Dardistan and Tukharistan,  Afgani (Gazni) and  Tibbetian from Baltistan. After a brief sojorum in Ghazni (Afganistan) and King invaded and subjugated present day Iran and Badhakshan too. With these victory his westerm bountry touched the Caspian Sea which is presently Bordering Russia of today.

His kingdom was largest by any imagination we had in India ever.  And the fear of his greatness and aura made the left historians so insecure that they systematically purged every words and sentences related to King Lalitaditya and removed him from the curriculum of Indian History.

At its zenith, Lailtaditya`s empire stretched from Iran in the west, Tibets and Parts of China in the North, Turkestan in the North west, Cauvery and Dwarka in the south and South west and Assam in the north east.

Kashmir`s Power and prestige reached its zenith during King Lalitaditya`s rule. The Kashmiri tradition of Sun Worship, Food habits and Sanskrit language spread far and wide. It is construed that large part of Sun worship in the area around Iran had also been inspired by Korkata dynasty presence. Arab who made a brief first raid in 712 AD on Sindh, could never reconcile to the loss they suffered from Lalitaditya.  Arab stayed back within the desert wall of Arabia for next 400 years.

If you examine the boundary of Korkata Empire, you may conclude the Arab were chased to withdraw to their homeland in desert and large portion of Iran were made safe from Arab incursion for couple of century also.

The myth that Indian Kings did not cross Indus and remained a defender in their life time had been a colossal misleading and fake narrative.  Nagabhatam1 of Pratihar, Bappa Rawal of Mewar, Lalitaditya of Korkata and Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa of Maharaja Ranjit Singh decimated Afgani and Arabs in north and subjugated territory deep into central Asia and beyond Gazni.

Kalhan – Ratjtarangani an epic written in Sanskrit now nowhere in the curriculum or even as reference book for Indian student was written during those Korkata Empire days.

Detailed narrative have been documented and preserved by the contemporary authors of medieval about Lalitaditya military expedition, Social structure and religious governance in many a source. The 11th century Persian chronicler Al Biruni mentions a Kashmiri king called Muttai. The word Muttai is connoted as derived from word Muktipada. The glorious work of Literature written in Sanskrit Rajtarangni  by poet Kalhan narrates excellence about  Lalitaditya for his conquer and political acumen. Kalhana further narrated how Lalitaditya led and vanquishing the Turks, Afganis, Tibetans, Bhutias, Kambojas and other central Asian tribes. The Tibetans literature also explains about the Lalitaditya conquering the part of northern Tibet.

The korkata kingdom were ardent follower of Hinduism. He built upon spectacular Hindu Temple in their capital Parihaspur. Along the side of Hindus, the Buddhism also flourished. The kingdom ensured construction of stupa Chaitya and Vihara pertaining to Buddhist religious belief and archaeological significance.

He built upon a Majestic Sun temple Martand Sun temple in the Anantnag district in Kashmir. It is oldest known Sun temple in India and was one of the biggest temple complex in those days in his kingdom. The Sun worship was one of the foremost religious celebration in those days.

Muktipada Lalitaditya was on move all the years, yet he significantly accomplished the art of administrative governance. He amassed fathomless resource and built one of the largest empire of the world.

It is despite expanding deep into heartland of central Asia, his thrust to expand beyond never extinguished. Though no confirmatory archaeological or documentation is available about King`s last chivalrous days. it appears from Kalhan`s work in Rajtarangi that While on his military raid around Gazni (Afganistan), he is supposed to have he set for heavenly abode. 

Lalitaditya is among the few military commander in the World who never lost a Battle in all his Military expedition during Life time.

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Sanat Bhardwaj
Sanat Bhardwaj
Believer and follower of Sanatan. I have firm faith one day Sanatan will show the world the path of peace prosperity and moral value. World could be better and more beautiful if and only if Sanatan Values are followed. I am Sanat Bhardwaj 48 years old freelancer and public speaker on Business and Finance.
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