23rd June 2020, Patanjali company released a kit named, Divya Corona kit, as a cure of COVID-19. Press note of Patanjali said the trial, conducted after the necessary approvals, showed 100 per cent recovery of patients within seven days. The trial, it said, was conducted in association with the NIMS, a Jaipur-based private institute.
The licence for the drug was obtained on the basis of the traditional knowledge and experience related to the medicinal virtues of Ashwagandha, Giloy and Tulsi, Patanjali spokesperson S K Tijarawala had said.
On that same day, The Ayush ministry put a stop on the sale and promotion of Coronil and asked Patanjali to provide all documentation related to the drug and the studies conducted to test it.
After that, all the gangs which are anti-Hindu and anti India started to say against Ayurveda of Patanjali.
On Tuesday, Acharya Balkrishna, the MD of Patanjali Ayurved said that the company never claimed its drug could cure the highly-contagious virus that has infected more than 1 crore people around the world.
Amid the row, the Rajasthan Police lodged an F.I.R against Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev for allegedly launching the Ayurvedic drug which claims to cure Covid-19 without getting the AYUSH ministry’s approval. Earlier, a criminal complaint was filed in a Bihar court against yoga guru Ramdev and Patanjali Ayurved MD Acharya Balkrishna, alleging that they have misled and put at risk the lives of lakhs of people by claiming to have developed medicine to treat Covid-19.
After a full week of controversy, on 1-07-2020 the Ayush Ministry told that the kit could be sold all over India. But, AYUSH Ministry allowed Patanjali to sell this kit only as an immunity booster not as a ‘cure’ of Corona Virus.
In a press conference, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev said “AYUSH Ministry said that Patanjali has done appropriate work for COVID management. It said that Patanjali has started working in the right direction. We have procured a license for these from the state department which is connected with AYUSH.” “Now there is no difference of opinion between AYUSH Ministry and Patanjali,” he added. ”If you have a difference of opinion with me or Acharya Balakrishna, criticize us. But, at least have a soft heart towards people who are suffering from coronavirus, diabetes, cancer and other such diseases. Me and Acharya Balakrishna come from a humble background’ Also said by Yoga Guru.