The lockdown is a sensible test for the working women in India. Whether it is work from home or work away from home the womens have full time to works and household chores despite no maids available due to lockdown. The household chores such as mopping, cleaning, washing utensils and clothes has to be carried out simultaneously. Apart from cooking during a lockdown is specific task as everyone wants everything orders in hands. Those who use said lockdown is a time to spend more time with their husbands. Does that attachment really needs during this time. It’s a crucial time for every Indian Family as everyone of us have spend our savings to survive our living in lockdown.
With fruits, vegetable and grocery items are limited it’s difficult to manage home these days. This lockdown is a period to carry household chores plus office project completion task for every women. Working women prefer to work during nights with lights off and door closed as their is no need for disturbance in work. Apart from kids are free during these times it is difficult to keep them engaged in creative activities or household chores. The house with old in laws is worry some as they need domestic maid and nurses write from morning tea till dinner in the bed. With the office project deadlines one hand has to be on keyboard and other on the toes of fulfilling demand of each and every family member.
The root cause of difficult times as a working mother is a small secluded family without family support and at the same time the urge to fulfill the career aspirations in different avenues. The working mother always get into work life balance trap and it will continue to be an ongoing challenge. The work life balance strategy offers a variety of mean to reduce stress level and increase job satisfaction of employee. That’s why it is up to us how to manage house and work both without maids it is little bit difficult. Hats off to those women who manage house with domestic maid and completing office projects.