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HomeOpinionsThe kernel of anti CAA riots

The kernel of anti CAA riots

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Ajay Sudame
Ajay Sudame
Ajay Sudame aka 'Pakodewallah' is for Free Markets and is a Nationalist. He is the founder and editor of the Marathi OpEd website - Also runs a YouTube channel by the same name. Tweets @IndicVichaar

Why it’s different this time and how it’s designed to undermine Indian Nationhood.

The image of the Rioter, pointing revolver from point blank range at a Policeman was quite startling! The complete disdain towards law and order and no fear of Law enforcing agencies portrays a much troubling scenario. And no, Riots are not the point here. India has a long history of communal strife and riots. But somehow we manage to forget the wounds, put our lives together and carry on as if nothing happened. But this time the defiance in the body language of rioters and impunity with which marauding mobs have held capital to ransom seems far more organised.

For example, most analyst agreed that Shaheen Bagh was organised to mobilise votes against BJP. But it is continuing long after Delhi elections are done and dusted. To add to that, a new protest was being planned 20 kms away in another corner of Delhi. What it means is that the Left-Liberal-Cong-Islamist lobby has tasted blood, with its new strategy. And it is determined to bring the Government of day down to its knees. What it also means is that the eco system is actually done with electoral politics and it’s giving a message to its core constituents. It’s a fight to finish. And it will be fought on roads! This is it! This looks like Jihad!

As you read this more than 40 people have died and more than 200 are injured in the riots which started on 23th February. To which few people can react -can’t we leave if for later? What’s the point in raising the pitch so high that it incites fringe groups and situation goes out control; which then can result is loss of many more lives and can create permanent chasm between two communities. You see as I mentioned above, Riots though are our immediate concern, that’s not point here. The point is the reason behind conflict.

If you look at the history of riots in India, almost all of them, other than direct action day in 1946 and pogrom of Kashmiri Pandits in January 1990, were triggered out of spontaneous reaction. The systematic targeting of Pandit community in Kashmir, raping their women and killings of their men is one of the most painful chapters in annals of our history. However the scale and impact which 1946 incident had, deserves more attention.

The Direct Action Day in 1946 was a result of planned assault on Hindus of Kolkata, by Muslims led by Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Who had declared unambiguously that we will have “A India destroyed or divided”. And on that 16th Aug 1946 rioters as decided came out and went for Hindu shop owners for a start. Eventually houses were attacked and burning rags were pushed in.  Within few hours the riots spread beyond Kolkata. Such was the complicity of British that no Police protection was offered. Even the traffic police were withdrawn. Which allowed the madness to go on 3 full days, resulting in more than One Lakh deaths. Almost all of them Hindus. Within one year Islamists and Congress had, what they wanted. Congress had its own Prime Minister and Islamists had Pakistan.  Now Shaheen Bagh and the another planned protest in Jafrabad have a ring of Direct Action Day to it.

One may ask what the Eco System led by Congress is going to achieve by these riots? There are no elections before Oct. So why create a ruckus now? Please appreciate the fact  that Congress has suffered humiliating defeats in two successive General Elections. It has been reduced to a fringe player in many states. Increasingly  within the party, turf battles are fought between old guard and young Turks openly. The fact  that, Rahul Gandhi, has the authority within the party but clearly no popularity amongst masses  is making  matter worse. If things continue the way they are, by the time next General Elections are upon us,Congress may not be in a position to be principal opposition. This possibility surely multiplies the prospects of a mutiny against Gandhis. Time is running out for dynasty. It has to show to everybody, but specifically to own party members that Gandhis are not irrelevant. What better way than to create unrest on roads with the help of willing  Islamists and a pliable Delhi CM?

There’s  another factor at play. There was a time when Congress was able to block legislations in Rajya Sabha. Steadily BJP is closing on to majority mark here too and very soon will be in a position to pass laws without much hindrance. Once that happens, Congress and effectively dynasty will stop having veto on policy making in India.

The Left-Liberal-Cong-Islamist lobby senses it can repeat The Direct Action Day again! It feels the average Muslims, are seething with anger against Modi Government. And is ready for vicious attack on Hindus. It also has the support of local and global Media outlets which basically are hideout of Leftists and Liberals; who are itching to get back at Conservative Governments world over. God forbid, if there is a Islamic uprising in India and bloodletting comparable to Direct Action Day, most of Media will  look away. Not to mention how our hostile neighbors, namely Pakistan, China and Bangladesh will react to this opportunity.

One year after Direct Action Day, in 1947,India was partitioned. One fears this is what is being planed again. India’s bordering areas with sizable Muslim Population will be lost. We will have a much smaller India. Nationalists will be defeated in next elections for stoking communal violence and for being responsible for deaths of few Lakhs Hindus. Congress and Islamists will have what they want. Congress will have its PM in Delhi and Islamists will have new promised Land!

Only way to avoid this kind of grim situation is to take the Left-Liberal-Cong-Islamist lobby head on. And not allow sit outs like Shaheen Bagh or Jaffrabad should to fester on. Kapil Mishra rightly swung into action before another in-your-face agitation was about to begin. Leaders like him are our hope to stop another Direct Action Day.

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Ajay Sudame
Ajay Sudame
Ajay Sudame aka 'Pakodewallah' is for Free Markets and is a Nationalist. He is the founder and editor of the Marathi OpEd website - Also runs a YouTube channel by the same name. Tweets @IndicVichaar
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