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HomeOpinionsSharjeel Imam - A hero or a villain?

Sharjeel Imam – A hero or a villain?

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Anant Chetan
Anant Chetan
An aficionado blogger and an engineer by profession. By qualifications, a Masters in Embedded System Design.

Sharjeel Imam, a poster boy for left, the latest product launched by the communist incubator in JNU was some days ago booked for sedition. When I read that he has a master’s degree in Computer Science from IIT Bombay, I got a little curious as to how a guy with this kind of caliber is behaving like this. For once, I also thought that there might have been some mis-understanding as his mother points out. Maybe his speech was edited and taken out of context. So, I started searching details about him on Internet. And after what I found on internet about him, by him and after going through his own work, I can without a doubt say that he is rightly booked for sedition. Moreover, he is more dangerous than any other “tukda tukda gang” member including Kanhaiya kumar. The left leaning media sites like the print tried to make a hero out of him, they forgot that while putting his thoughts online, a person willing to understand him, might actually see why he is rightly called anti-national.

What did I find? Have a look at one of his articles that was published by Turkish Radio and Television Corporation on Feb 3, 2019 (the year is correct, it was published last year). Once you have read the article, you won’t have to listen to the controversial video so as to determine if he should be booked or not. Here in this article, I will just mention some points from him own writings.

Bharat tere tukde honge inshaallah inshaallah, is not just a catchy line for him, he believes in each and every word of this line. He has a problem with Bharat, which according to him is an extension of Hindu imagination. Instead of Bharat, a union of states he wants a federation. Why? Because in a union of states, there is a possibility of a strong center, like we see today and it is very difficult to arm-twist a strong center. So he literally wants more  autonomous states like Jammu and Kashmir where he and people like him can do whatever they want and the center won’t have enough powers to stop them. Thats why Bharat tere tukde honge, inshaallah inshaallah.

Second, even though Muslims got East Pakistan and West Pakistan during partition, but he still thinks that nothing was conceded to Muslims. He now wants to either alter the current demographics in his favor or wants to go the Muslim League way i.e. separate party with Muslim representatives. He hates secular mindset that is not letting this happen. So much for the secular liberals that support him.

Third, he is not satisfied by the Indian Constitution. He wants the same rules that apply to Schedule Castes to be applied to certain Muslims too. He wants to do away with the Cow Protection act in the constitution. However, having said that, I do agree with him on one point that mob lynching in the name of cow protection did not begin in 2014 but had been there for decades, its only that Media started showing it more ever since BJP came to power. Infact when I wrote about it (Lynching Whatsapp; In the name of Holy Cow), some educated left liberals rubbished the article as propaganda, but now since their own messiah is saying the same thing they might very well understand it. I would be glad if you take a look at the article.

Nevertheless, when I read more of his articles, I realized he is one hell of a narcissistic loser who suffers from delusions of grandeur. He is still living in the Mughal era, his family members carrying Mughal Emperor names like Akbar and Aurangzeb, reinforce the false belief, but when some one calls him “Mughaliya” and giggles, waking him up, he gets offended. He and people like him are not willing to let go of the Mughal era and still have that sense of entitlement a ruling class posses. That’s why as soon as anyone questions them or reject their proposal or deny them something, they get offended. Why do you don this huge beard? Why don’t you cut it? Why do you pray so many times? And you are an Islamophobic. And this is even when you are not question any serious wrongful deeds. He thinks he knows it all and others not so much, in most of his articles he refers to his Hindu classmates as ill informed or ignorant not just once but almost every time he talks about them.

He had a big problem with the number of Muslims in IIT or in software industry at higher levels. He says he was the only one. I agree with him, but who is responsible for that? He was the only one and he quit his job in only two years, now there is none. When the next Sharjeel Imam comes there, he would say the same thing and quit. Who is responsible? Not a Hindu!! He and others like him want every thing in a blink of an eye. They want to be at the pinnacle of success where everyone looks upto them and respects them, fear them but they don’t want to put in what it takes to go there. And when the outcome is not what they want, just blame Bharat, Hindus, Cows and Constitution.  Do people like Sharjeel Imam think people like Sundar Pichai , Satya Nadella or Ambani, Tata, Birla became what they are today in just two years? When people like Sharjeel Imam were putting hours after hours convincing non-muslims how great Islam is, some people were putting years after years in convincing others how capable they are for the projects. When people like Sharjeel Imam were bragging about the number of Hindu girls they dated and nailed, some people were bragging about the number of state of the art tech skills they have on their resume. When people like Sharjeel Imam were quitting jobs, some people were racing for promotions.

The irony is, people like Sharjeel Imam are a big threat for the very same Muslims who see a hero in them and try to follow their footsteps. They themselves are responsible for the condition of Muslims in today’s India. Do read the instance when Pakistan’s prime minister Imran Khan promoted Islamophobia and Radical Islam.

Also read: Ayodhya Dispute: An unresolved symbolical confrontation

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Anant Chetan
Anant Chetan
An aficionado blogger and an engineer by profession. By qualifications, a Masters in Embedded System Design.
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