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HomeOpinionsCentral University of Tamil Nadu grappling under insidious red terror

Central University of Tamil Nadu grappling under insidious red terror

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The communists spread anti-government and anti-development thought through lectures, talks, symposia and public gathering in the academia. They believe in a revolution of their own kind, and universities such as University of Hyderabad (UoH), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) have witnessed the outbreak of insurgent conditions.

Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN) is grappling under insidious red terror. The Left-leaning students supported by a group of faculty members leave no stone unturned to destabilize the administrative machinery. The red terror knocked the university premises for the first time sometime in 2015 when Left-leaning students attempted to take the mileage of Rohit Vemulasuicide case. The Left-leaning students pasted posters in the university mess hall and raised anti-establishment and anti-government provocative slogans.

The second outbreak was around the celebration of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Birth Centenary as per the instructions of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) vide notification MHRD – F.No.19-103/2017-CU-Cdn GOI dated 5th Sep. 2017. CUTN conducted various programmes such as Essay Writing and Elocution competition. The Left-leaning students stigmatized it as ‘academic saffronization’ and took out a rally with placards. Their main intention was to cripple the celebration.

On the eve of Women’s Day celebration, CUTN invited Ms Vanathi Srinivasan as Chief Guest. The invitation, backdrop and posters clearly stated her as a social worker and a senior lawyer at Madras High Court.

However, the Left-leaning students distorted the poster and claimed that the university invited the General Secretary of Bharatiya Janata Party of Tamil Nadu and waved black flags, tied black ribbons and wore black wrist bands. When the administration intervened into the matter, they demanded that the university should also invite some communist leaders. It has been observed on several occasion that these Left-leaning students don’t accept any office bearer other than the Left parties invited to the university. A source told that since BJP is extending organizational reach in Southern India, the Left front communist parties use the students as pawns for their political intentions. The Left-leaning students’ agitation on the eve of Women’s Day celebration is an indication of this communist nexus. It should be kept in mind that an individual can hold several responsibilities as Ms Vanathi Srinivasan holds, and she was therefore invited for having the versatile personality.

In the month of April 2017, Ajinomoto (Monosodium glutamate) was found in the Boys’ Hostel Mess. The students went on a protest. The Left-leaning students high-jacked the protest and started raising Azadi slogans. It testifies the presence of “Breaking India Forces” (one can remember the JNU students raising the slogan, “Bharat Tere Tukade Honge, Insha Allah! Insha Allah!” and Azadi slogans at AMU for slain militant Manan Wani) at CUTN and the Leftists are consolidating the grounds for the anti-nationalists.

A Kashmiri student named Aasif Majid has been well under the focus to be initiating Azadi slogans on mess issue. Sources have informed that this student feels a sense of proud pelting stones on our brave soldiers. What kind of education is been given at CUTN? Are we wasting tax payers money in breeding such dangerous anti-national elements?

To our utter surprise, instead of this student bringing Kashmir issue in CUTN and destabilizing the campus with a sense of terror, two of the Kashmiri students have been on a front page of a newsletter by a faculty from Media Department quoting “Study through Peace”. A source told that when the ViceChancellor came to speak to the students with feasible suggestions and pleaded for the resolution of the issue, the Left-leaning students refused all the proposals and mindlessly misbehaved with him. The university administration accepted the students’ demand for the immediate removal of the mess contractor; however, since the mess was closed and food was not available, the university administration issued an order for vacating the hostels.

The Left-leaning students hyped the matter and went on a night protest. Many students have observed that the students who participated in the night protest were provided with food packets brought from outside in a van. Here lies a big question: who are these people providing food to the students? A few students informed that on March 2018, Central University of Kerala (CUK) students went on a hunger strike over excess mess expenditure and the Leftist students at CUTN wanted a similar situation on campus. Some of these Leftist students expressed solidarity with CUK students on Facebook.

When the protest was taking ugly shape, ABVP activists intervened into the stalemate condition created by the Left-leaning students. The ABVP activists sought permission to meet the VC almost at midnight at the VC’s residence and requested to withdraw the order for vacating the hostels with a solution to run a separate mess. The VC acceded to the solution proposed by ABVP for the betterment of the students; however, ABVP’s active initiative in resolving the matter is yet to be acknowledged by any administrator or any student. Although the administration maintained a queer reticence in acknowledging the solution proposed by ABVP, the Times of India report enunciated the participation of ABVP activists. Sources told, a faculty drafted news reports (English, Malayalam and Tamil) and maintained contact with the media, and interestingly enough, all these reports project the inefficiency of the administrators.

Sources told a few students and administrators demanded action against the perpetrators who misbehaved with the VC and violated the university rules by going into night protest. The administration issued a charge memo against the students who violated the rules. However, some faculty members did not allow the administration to take necessary action. Why was no action taken?

The mess committee was consisting of the majority of students from Kerala. When some students complained about the regional bias in the mess committee and proposed for a decentralized reconstitution of it, the administration rejected the proposal claiming that reconstitution of the mess representatives might trigger fresh students’ uprising.  

How can the Left go into a protest without indulging into any kind of violence? When the Left-leaning students came to know about the initiative taken by the ABVP activists, they attacked the ABVP activists in a drunken condition and posted uncouth calumny on Facebook. A complaint was lodged to the hostel administration, but the matter has been suppressed by the wardens and the university administration. The Left-leaning students still repeatedly attack the students who do not purport to their ideology, but the administration never takes any action against these delinquent students.

In a report published in a Leftist news portal The Wire, it has been alleged that while The Hind Club was allowed to screen Vivek Agnihotri’s Buddha in a Traffic Jam, the Leftist students through the Department of Media and Communication were not given the permission to screen. Anand Patwardhan’s Ram Ke Naam. Well, it is now exposed that the epicentre of Leftist operation is the Department of Media and Communication. It has been reported that some students from this department who do not purport to their ideology were psychologically harassed and were even given low marks.

Now coming to Buddha in a Traffic Jam and Ram Ke Naam as reported in the above Left portal. The former deals with socio-political issues such as corruption, naxalism, nexus of academia with Naxals (#UrbanNaxals), and crony capitalism. The latter deals with the controversial RamTemple and Babri Masjid issue in Ayodhya.

The issue is extremely sensitive and has triggered communal violence. Moreover, a case is with the Supreme Court and is awaiting the verdict. The Left is widely known for attacking Hindu religious sentiments and holding disregard for Indian culture, and the proposal to screen the film reveals the sacrilegious agenda of the Leftist students and faculty members of the campus.

Meanwhile, those Leftist students who proposed for the screening of Ram Ke Naam expressing intolerance towards Hinduism are seen actively taking part in organizing “Christmas Programme” at CUTN on December 14, 2017.  These students take the active initiative in organizing Onam celebration which is a Hindu celebration but object to Deepawali celebration claiming that the university cannot promote Hinduism.

While Onam is celebrated every year with full administrative and financial support from the university, Deepawali is denied permission by the Dean of Students’ Welfare. This attitude of the administration indicates regional bias. Since there is a substantial number of students from Kerala study at CUTN, the administration gives priority to their demands from the preparation of mess menu to the allotment of performers in cultural programmes. Although students from Odisha, Assam, Rajasthan and other states study in the campus, they are not allowed to perform regional cultural festivals. The administration casts a blind eye on the politics of exclusion practised on the campus.

CUTN News getting published in Left propaganda websites with distortion of facts prove the deep penetrations of the Leftist network. However, we are not pointing at the students but at ‘devil’s minds’ which are using the students as bait for their ulterior motive. A source told that the students are also well aware of the fact that a faculty puts the students in contact with media houses, drafts news reports and encourages students to involve with propaganda reporting.

Ululation of anti-national slogans makes it clear that there is a Maoist/Naxal network operating within the campus. These Left-oriented students are promoting anti-national mindset among the students chanting Azadi Azadi slogans. It is a well-known fact that the administration had been always soft to the Left-leaning students. A source revealed that a few among the faculty members, who are close to the VC misguide him and resolve the matter with ‘no action’.

The students consume alcohol and smoke cigarettes filled with marijuana. Some students have the phone numbers of local pedlars and pedlars even come inside the hostel and deliver marijuana packets and alcohol bottles. The source reported that the wardens are well aware of the facts. However, casual checking and raids are not planned by the administration because these students are their ideological flag-bearers.

Last but not least, these anti-national elements have recently created unnecessary chaos in the campus by pasting posters on the university walls unlawfully against the Presidential orders of scrapping Article 370 as well as 35A. It has been informed that the same student Aasif in collaboration with another student Sanju KS and Anandhakrishnan were seen provoking about 20-30 students on the same night of pasting the posters.

As this was brought to the notice of the Registrar and the VC by the CUTN unit of ABVP, an immediate circular was issued not to promote any activity that is against the integrity of India, inside the University campus. But, these shameless brats, not having a spec of respect for the University Administration, organized an unlawful gathering, misusing their freedom of speech on the topic entitled “Torn Kashmir”. It will be a shameful offence, if we nourish these antinational students in this country, it will be a threat to the future of this Nation.

The turbulent political condition of CUTN raises big questions: Is the administration encouraging anti-nationalism, naxalism and Maoism? Why are the university authorities not taking action against such anti-establishment and anti-nationals? Is someone running a sleeper cell? The nation needs to know the convolution of the academic environment by Leftist nexus and demands an investigation of the intelligence bureau.

The present hostel wardens are promoting left-leaning students. Many times, a warden belonging to the state of Kerala is seen roaming with the students of anti-national mindset. Though the term of hostel wardens has ended a year back, due to managing the authorities well, they get extension unlawfully. They get paid for the services of provoking students and consoling the authorities. The wardens enjoy the chaos. 

Though the left-leaning student minds are chaotic they always manage to get news released through the unknown sources and with the help of the media department. The entire hostel committee is under the scanner of the nationalist students.

During the protest for the mess, left-leaning students manhandled the nationalist students. A complaint was lodged but the hostel authorities suppressed the matter. When 3 kg of cannabis was caught in the hostel, the warden belonging to Kerala played a vital role in concluding the issue. The university is promoting few left-leaning and faculty indulged in Christianity conversion knowingly. Nationalist supporters have been cornered by the present administration. The Vice-chancellor is in the mood to complete his tenure. Hence, he has adopted the policy of appeasing few faculty members. These faculty members play a vital role in safeguarding the students creating chaos in the university.

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