Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomeOpinionsWomen-led development

Women-led development

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Women is a full circle. Within her is power to create, nurture and transformer. Nari shakti is a concept that has existed in Indian culture since time immemorial. Women has always been portrayed as the epitome of Shakti, able to accomplish that which man cannot.

This, however, is only one side of the picture. The flip side is grim scenario of women having no voice in their own lives, live alone the decision of family. There aspirations were not considered important enough to be encouraged. There hardship were submerged in their responsibility as mother, wife and daughter.

This facet of Women’s life has goes major transformation in recent times.

The modern women is no longer confined to the four wall of the house. Women are realizing their worth in every way and demanding gender equality and justice both in home and workplace. They have broken the glass barrier in almost all field, be it technology, space science and armed forces. Almost every fifth women is an entrepreneur.

In recent years, government has played a significant role in bringing about the transition. Right from recognizing the need to protect the girl child in the womb to protecting career women in their work place, a number of initiative have been taken. Scheme like PM Matru Vandana Yojana given financial protection to women during their pregnancy and lactation period. Programmes like Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao and Sukanya Samridhi Yojana take care of girl child, also Ayushman Bharat, National Nutrition Mission, Ujjawala Yojana etc take care of health and nutritional requirements of Indian women.

These schemes definitely empower women- socially, educationally and financially.

Road of development cannot be traveled without the empowerment of women who form almost 50% of Indian population. A multi-directional organized approach to women empowerment is sure to take the country way beyond the path.

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