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HomeOpinionsHe nailed it in style, leaving Hinduphobic liberal bigots shocked

He nailed it in style, leaving Hinduphobic liberal bigots shocked

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Hinduphobia is nothing new in India. Especially when it comes to liberal, secular and rational lobby of India, every act of them reflects their hate for Hindus. They write, they paint and they say whatever and anywhere they want against Hinduism in the name of Freedom of Speech.

In some of the recent incidents, they used a rape case to paint all Hindus as rapists, they gave cover to Islamic fanatics who disturbed Ram-Navami processions and then abused Lord Hanuman on Hanuman Jayanti. And each time Hindu was as usual sitting idle, waiting for someone else to act.

But there are some who do not wait for others to act first and lead by example. Abhishek Mishra (@Abhishek_Mshra), member of VHP and a Hindutva thinker, took a token step and cancelled his Ola booking as driver was Muslim. He also posted the incident on his twitter account. He did it show mirror to so-called liberals who had earlier called for boycott of cabs and drivers that have Hindu god’s images on them.

This created a big outcry in liberal lobby and they came out like cockroaches not to miss a chance to criticize Hindus. As usual and as always, morally bankrupt left wing fanatics missed the point completely and connected this with Hindu vs Muslim angle. Most of them also painted it as him supporting Kathua rapists. Soon after his post, Left media and left wing trolls took no time in starting their usual abusive and foolish ways to harass Abhishek Mishra. As reported, they also tried to hack his account and started pressurizing Ola and Twitter to suspend his account.

A lot of anti-Hindu trolls also started giving laughable advises to him like not to use any vehicle as petrol for vehicle is imported from Muslim countries. These Hinduphobic trolls need to know that petrol is not something we are getting from Gulf countries for free like Haj subsidy (discontinued now). We pay the market price for every drop of fuel, and Gulf countries also depend on us for manpower, spices and lot other resources. These Islamic countries are way more rational than Indian Lefts.

It is difficult for a left ideologist to understand that act of Abhishek Mishra was not against Muslims but was in response to the post by a Hinduphobic Rasmi R Nair who connected rape with Hindus and wrote on Facebook to boycott and cancel any Ola/Uber cab carrying the image of Lord Hanuman. Abhishek’s response was also connected to an incident where a Hinduphobic Muslim guy Abid Hasan downrated his Uber ride for cab having Picture of Bajrang Bali.

The Hinduphobic Facebook posts that triggered the response by Mishra

Both these incidents could not attract any outrage from liberal bigots, instead most of them applauded and supported this Hinduphobia. At same time, nothing stopped them from raising eyebrows on Abhishek’s tweet.

Abhishek is not opposing Muslims (as a Hindu, he can’t) and he is not supporting any rapists. Like every Hindu, he also wants Kathua incident not to be used as a tool of Hindu bashing. Like every Hindu, he also wants liberals, seculars and rationals to respect Hinduism, as they respect Islam and Christianity. Like every Hindu, he also hates to be attacked and preached on every Hindu festival.

After Assam rape, Hindus dis not use the incident to paint all Muslims as rapist and nobody said Islam teaches rape. After 26/11 attack by Muslim terrorists, Mumbai Blasts by Muslim terrorists or Akshardham Attack by Muslim terrorists, Hindus did not use the incident to paint all Muslims as terrorists, and nobody said Islam teaches terrorism. After Hussain painted derogatory images of Hindu deities, Hindus dis not celebrate “Draw Muhammad Day” like USA. Even after the Owaisi’s derogatory remark on Mother of Lord Rama and his threat to kill 100 Crore Hindus in 15 Minutes, Hindus did not paint Muslims as enemies. This is what our Hindutva is like and this is what keeps Muslims and other minorities safe in India.

Even if the token steep of cancelling the Ola ride is taken at its face value, the Muslim cabbie did not pay the price of being a Muslim, but he paid the price of this selectivity and silence. Whatever bigotry liberals, seculars and rationals are spreading in India, a large section of Muslims are part of it. If rest of the Muslims do not raise their voice and do not separate themselves from Hinduphobics, it will be difficult for a common man to differentiate and a good Muslim will continue to suffer. After every incident against a Muslim, Hindus openly come out in support of them, but in recent days, we did not see any rational Muslim opposing his fellows involved in anti-Hindu activities. These days some Muslims are demanding that a 10-year-old Hindu rape victim be married to her rapist!

Though I too had to do it sometimes, personally I do not like the idea of boycotting someone just for his religious believes because I know a lot of Muslims and Christians who are hardcore Modi supporters. I never cancelled a Muslim driver and do not have any intentions of doing so in future.

Once I downrated an Uber cabbie because all the way he kept explaining me how Uttarakhand tragedy was the punishment to ‘Kafirs’ by Allah for not following Islam. Once again, I downrated a cabbie as all the way he kept abusing Shivaji Maharaj. This doesn’t mean I always get bad cabbies. In another incident, my family was stuck in Koregaon protest of Ambedkarite hooligans and just 10 meters ahead we could see Ambedkarites pelting stones and breaking the windscreens of vehicles. My Muslim cabbie was quick enough to jump out of the driver seat and within seconds both of us covered the windows with mu luggage so in case glass brakes, pieces do not reach my family.

In a country where all the media is Left centric and Hindu has no voice, in a country where raising voice is termed anti-Islamic, cancelling a cab or nor renting house to a Muslim is the only way a Hindu is left with, to show his protest. If situation does not change, unfortunately more and more Hindus will start thinking of doing it in future.

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