Wednesday, June 26, 2024


USA Elections

The voter shall always have the last word-MSM & pollsters learn Their lessons

MSM and psephologists would do well to be humbled by this experience, lest they are rudely humbled, again and again, by the little man or woman with the little vote.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: Don’t muddy waters in the land of Brahmaputra

Biden-Harris ticket has decried CAA saying essentially that it is discriminatory to Muslims because it excludes them from Indian citizenship.

Donald Trump: The man defying all odds

Donald Trump is running for a re-election and yet again the polls are not supporting the President. However, after defying all the odds in 2016. Can President Trump do it again?

Dear Americans, reflect hard

Yes choice of the American citizens, will determine not only the fate of America but also the rest of the world.

Should Indian Americans trust Biden on immigration?

It is quite important to note that immigration is one hot topic that the Biden campaign has highlighted in the Indian American Agenda which is pompous about the future plan on immigration for STEM and high skilled workers in the United States.

What INDIA can learn from 2020 US Presidential Election

While Trump is referred to as a racist, Modi is referred to as a fascist from a small portion of the Indian population calling themselves as leftists/liberals.

Democratic Party and its dangerous game of Anti India Agenda – Part 1

Bill Clinton on Dec 27th 1993 wrote a letter to U.S. Rep. Gary A. Condit (D-Ceres) that, “chronic tensions between the Indian government and Sikh militants” and the need to safeguard “Sikh rights” in Punjab State, where Sikhs make up 60% of the population.

A conservative justice turns liberal to Trump conservatism

Constitutionally, while the majority has ruled that it was ‘discriminatory’ - the minority has suggested that it was not for the SCOTUS to rule on it- but for US Congress to make the changes.

Trump vs US Congress vs Judiciary in USA, a fascinating duel

Donald Trump’s ‘base’ has steadfast stood by him. The polarisation may help his re election bid too, though the poll numbers, on date, favour the presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, Vice President to President Barack Obama, for two terms.

Is Trump right to take China on?

Trump has gone ballistic. His bellicose utterances are typically reflective of America First retinue. Would he stay the course? Or he has raised a feverish pitch, so that he can negotiate a sweet trade deal with China, just in time for Nov, 2020 elections.

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