Why does a society feels that its progress lies in downfall of others. Why People and society feels that progress for another will hinder their own progress?
हम भारतीय सामान्य रूप में, आमतौर पर हमारे प्राचीन ज्ञान को अधिक महत्व नहीं देते हैं, जो पश्चिमी देशों और कई अन्य देशों में गहराई से अंतर्दृष्टि प्राप्त करने और इस महान ज्ञान को ग्रहण करने के लिए प्रयास करते हैं, जो हमें हमारे प्राचीन ऋषियों ने आसानी से विरासत में दिया है।
Tantra is a Hindu spiritual discipline which has Moksha as the destination, just like Yoga, Vedanta and other paths of knowledge. It has nothing to do with fake Muslim babas who are frauds of the worst category.
Have you lost the tendency of mindful reading with deep concentration?
Do you feel difficulty in staying focused and your mind tempt to switch frequently for something else to do?
Lets see why undue digitalisation is skating on the thin ice?
Yoga is definitely a gift to the world. But it is not India’s gift; rather it is the gift of the followers of Sanatan Dharma or Indic religions. By domicile, even Aurangzeb was born and raised in India – is yoga a gift to the world by Aurangzeb?