sagarika ghose
मीडिया की निगेटिविटी से बचने के लिए तीन मई तक आंख-कान ढंकना भी ज़रूरी है
अखबार-पत्रिकाएं भले ही अभी बंद हों लेकिन उसमें शोर मचानेवाले चुप नहीं हैं. वे सोशल मीडिया में जाकर चिल्ला रहे हैं कि लॉकडाउन की अवधि बढने से देश की अर्थव्यवस्था पर बहुत बुरा असर पड रहा है, गरीबों-किसानों-दिहाडी मजदूरों के सिर पर आसमान टूट पडा है.
Open letter to Sagarika’s plea that protesters are not urban Naxals
When protests are engineered with a diabolical motive to exploit the ignorance and sensitive mindsets of religious minorities to spread hate and violence, it ceases to be a protest of dissent and becomes a protest of deceit aimed to defile the national unity.
Casteist elitism of Lutyens’ Media
When it comes to question of accountability from Indian Media, the age old saying comes to mind…Who will guard the guards?
Moral Code of Conduct of Liberals- Standard Operating Procedure
Liberals do not have any morals or code of conduct. Deep down they are nasty ,ugly & spiteful. They are full of malevolence &...
Why reviling Modi isn’t working
Who is Feku? Modi or the opposition? Check here to decide.
Why Rajdeep Sardesai blocked me on Twitter
I just wanted to see how they have responded to one of India's greatest military hero, Marshal Arjan Singh's death.
Sagarika Ghose: Covered in her own filth
The tactics by now is familiar: spread lies and repeat it ad nauseam so it becomes accepted in human minds.
Indian Feminism and its strange romance with Islam
Indian feminism is just another way to destroy Hindu culture.
Sagarika at Hindu-shaming again
Hater and Hindu-baiter, Ms. Ghosh wrote "Is the Hindu a Victim?" and she answers herself - No.
Sadistic pleasure of Liberals: Their source of happiness lies in mocking our value system
Our 'left liberal intellectual' finds a certain kind of hidden joy in ridiculing our value system & aesthetic culture.