Saturday, July 27, 2024


Opposition crushed by Narendra Modi

3 befitting replies of Narendra Modi

What strength, is PM Modi made up of, we will never be able to know. But we know one thing for sure. The man is class, India's pride. Even his detractors and critics wish for a Modi at their side!

Truth through a reverse image search – Satire

Satirical way to show an information propaganda which works very powerfully, even today.

Friendship between owl, rat, mongoose and cat cannot help India – Political message from Panchathantra story

Indian politics was like ‘wasteland’ in every sense. Modi has made it as cultivable land for several crops.

What a victory (BJP)! What a defeat (Congress)! Where are the Liberals?

In this election secularism of the elite was totally rejected. The electorate of India, through their verdict, showed the Left Liberals their place.

YES, There was a huge undercurrent but it was not the one they thought it was

When Congress and the other badly bruised opposition members sit and discuss what went wrong, they would need to seriously consider how to appease and empower the rural woman in their schemes rather than naively building a caste based narrative.

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