The division of science, commerce, and arts streams in the education system will be irrelevant from now onwards. Importance will be given to analytical and logical rather than the old-fashioned long paraphrased answers.
In the new NEP there is ample scope for teachers to ask thought-provoking questions to elicit answers and encourage students’ creative/critical thinking.
हिंदी की पुस्तक ‘रिमझिम’ को पढ़ते हुए लगता है देवनागरी लिपि में उर्दू और अंग्रेजी को पढ़ रहे हैं। इन शब्दों को बलात डाला गया है, जबकि इनके स्थान पर हिंदी के लोकप्रिय शब्द हिंदी में उपलब्ध हैं। लेकिन नरैटिव चलाने वालों के दिमाग में हिंदी है ही कहां?
This enlightened policy was achievable because the government crowd-sourced opinions related to, from a wide Diaspora of public, who evince interest in academics
The focus has been shifted from memory based learning to vocational training and practical skills, bag-less weeks introduced and importance of board examinations as the one deciding factor eliminated.
Unlike the last decades, this year is not only different in nature of celebration due to COVID- 19 but also marks some very historic and tragic events that marked the 73rd year of Independence.
Teaching the basic essence of Sanskrit, YOGA and other ancient scriptures of India Government must include in the curriculum as part of moral or casual passive learning to make the students ‘complete Indian’.
“भारत तेरे टुकड़े होंगे ....”, “हमें चाहिए भारत से आजादी ......”, “ भारत की बर्बादी तक जंग रहेगी ....” आदि नारे लगाने लगे तो भारत की अस्मिता तथा अखंडता को अन्दर से ही खतरा हो जायेगा तथा सोवियत यूनियन की तरह हमारे देश के टुकड़े होने से भी कोई नहीं रोक पायेगा |