Sunday, September 8, 2024



Why the conservative governments are on the rise all over the world

People have seen through the hypocrisy, hollowness, and elitism of this privileged lot which calls themselves as 'liberals' but are anything but that in true sense of the word.

No, its not just a Kashmir issue – Stop dehumanization of Indians who are celebrating revocation of Article 370

Only the Kashmiri people should be able to take decision about their territory is as treacherous as those 'Aazadi' slogans that kept reverberating till now in the valley and leftist bastions such as JNU.

माखनलाल पत्रकारिता विवि में मोदी को गरियाने वालों को दी जा रही है नौकरी

माखनलाल पत्रकारिता विवि में अब नौकरी के लिए नए मानक तय किए गए हैं। विवि ने उन लोगों को नौकरी दी जा रही है जिन्हें देश के प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को गरियाने में महारथ हासिल है, जिन्होंने मोदी को गरियाने में पीएचडी की हो।

Indian Tourism- The way forward?- A wishlist for the Modi 2.0

There is a despondency in the sector and a quick look at the brochures of various foreign tourist operators reveal that India is no longer a ‘Hot’ destination.

The pusillanimous policy adopted by Gandhi-Nehru during Independence is unraveling now

If only, Mahatama Gandhi and Jawahar Lal Nehru would have read and understood Indian scriptures more accurately, perhaps India would not have been facing this crisis today. Not fighting for 'Dharma' is same as perpetuating 'Adharma'.

Narendra Modi Govt’s Kashmir policy is finally bearing fruits

The policy started showing results when Baramullah was declared as terror free in early 2019.

Battle is won, the war is still remaining – the new ‘hero’ of the ‘left liberals’

The left liberal ecosystem is back in business with a bang now after having found its new 'voice' of 'reason and truth' in the form of Mahua Moitra.

Why there is ‘special hate’ reserved for Narendra Modi in the mind of ‘liberals’

Narendra Modi: Gifting 'Bhagvat Gita' instead of replica of 'Taj Mahal' on official foreign visits to truly depict the ethos of the country and her culture: Liberals' nightmare

Modi 2.0- What it means for healthcare

If India plans to show its improved stance towards healthcare to global players, it will have to soon deal with issues such as -Mental Health, Non-Communicable Diseases, Anti-Microbial Resistance and Climate Change- all cases of utmost concern both at global and national level.

वाकई सैक्यूलरिज्म या “स्टाकहोम सिंड्रोम”?

भारतीय दर्शन को देखने के पश्चात यह सुनिश्चित हो जाता है कि सैक्यूलरिज्म कुछ नहीं अपितु भय का विशिष्ट उत्पाद यानि स्टाकहोम सिंड्रोम ही है।

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