मोदी कभी गांधी नहीं हो सकता है, तो उसके बहकावे में ना आओ पहले तो ये जान लो की मोदी महिला विरोधी है, हर जगह अकेले ही चल देता है, मै तो अपने टाइम में ईज्जतघर भी बिना चार पाँच महिलाओं के बिना नहीं जाता था।
Mr. Abdullah called Modi-Shah as fascists for abrogating article 370. He probably forgot that article 370 was abrogated not just by Modi and Shah but by majority in both houses of India's parliament after due discussion/debate and Indian President signed the bill.
The election campaign in Bengal, violence in pockets of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Odhisha, and some others, gives us a first-hand example of what Fascism actually is.