Saturday, July 27, 2024
21 Articles by

Pankaj Vaidya

Liberals Attack Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his Navratri Fasting

Rahul Gandhi has questioned how Modi can afford to eat only lemons for 9 days when the common man cannot afford to buy a single lemon.

Saving the idea of India

Should Mickey (Valmiki) have not been more inclusive and given name Rehman instead of Hanuman and Agatha instead of Agastya? Such bandicoot the wrier was!

The Sanjay Jha column- Introspection indicates Rahul Gandhi has come of age

Satire: Congress Spokesperson Sanjay Jha elaborates on the results of his introspection as to why the Congress Party lost the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections

Understanding job uncertainty and unemployment in Modi’s India

Satire about Unemployment and Job Uncertainty making life hell of the eminent intellectuals in Modi's India.

Rahul Gandhi travels back in Time

Rahul Gandhi Travels back in time and this s what he gets from his Great Grand Father.

The Yashwant Sinha Column – How I lost an opportunity to become Prime Minister

How Yashwant Sinha lost an opportunity to become Prime Minister

The Arun Shourie column – The real reason why Narendra Modi hates Karan Thapar

Modi is known to hold grudges for intellectuals. And Karan Thapar is the top intellectual.

The Ramchandra Guha Column: Why BJP lost in the Hindi heartland

The intellectual pun I was trying to crack with the words “poor taste” was that beef no longer tastes as good in Modi’s India.

Why the Islanders want to be left alone

This is why it seems surprise that they voted YES in Brexit and chose to leave the European Union.

Shashi Tharoor is right – Nehruji made it possible for a Chaiwala to become Prime Minister

The leadership training program of Nehru has created so many leaders, it is no big deal that one of them happened to be a Chaiwala who went on to become Prime Minister.

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