Saturday, July 27, 2024


Narendra Modi's Achievements

Why is Narendra Modi a unique Prime Minister of India?

The most impact Modi and his policies have brought in is in the military and external affairs. Never had India been so much respected on the world stage before.

मोदी विरोधी मित्र को उत्तर

70 साल से जो मुद्दे नासूर बन कर हमें चुभ रहे थे उसका निवारण भी मोदी सरकार ने ही किया चाहे तो 370 हो 35ए हो या राममंदिर हों। जिन मुद्दों पर आजतक सभी राजनीतिक दल बोलने से भी डरती थी, उन मुद्दों को हल करने का काम मोदी सरकार ने किया है।

7 major hits and misses of Modi Government

Irrespective of intentions- no government or leader can be 100% perfect and there are always going to be hit and some misses.

The sad politics of ‘Tamilan to Indian’ by DMK + Congress

The divisive politics of DMK and its affiliates are well known but in recent time, the gang has touched new low in Tamil Nadu politics.

An endorsement of a personality called Narendra Modi #SeoulPeacePrize2018

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the first Indian to have received this award till date since its inception in 1990.

List of achievements of Narendra Modi led BJP Govt. in 4 years versus 10 years of UPA

Hope people of India will recognize the tremendous achievements of PM Modi and hope they would re-elect him again in 2019 with massive mandate to develop India further.

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