Sunday, September 8, 2024


Narendra Modi back in power

भारत में प्रमाणपत्रवाद (सर्टीफिकेशनलिज़्म) का सफर

भारत में आप को भक्त, संघी, चड्डी, अन सेक्युलर के प्रमाणपत्र राह चलते मिल जाएँगे. सिर्फ़ आपको आपके स्पष्ट विचार रखने हैं।

‘Me Too’ resign movements in congress party of the dynast

The behaviour of most of the political parties during election time was worse than a rabid dog.

May 30 should be celebrated by all Indians as DAY OF सत्यमेव जयते satya-meva jayate

The victory of Narendra Modi and BJP at the centre is the victory of truth, honesty, spirituality, Hinduism, sacredness, dedication, development and sab ka vikas.

Let us love, trust and respect the Sab ka Modi through certain Gandhian thoughts

The recent speech of Modi to NDA members clearly evoked the feeling that Modi not only promote Gandhian thoughts but also live through Gandhian thoughts.

What a victory (BJP)! What a defeat (Congress)! Where are the Liberals?

In this election secularism of the elite was totally rejected. The electorate of India, through their verdict, showed the Left Liberals their place.

DMK the accidental beneficiary of nationalism invoked by PM Narendra Modi

A deeper analysis of the victory of DMK in Tamil Nadu shows a different picture, the fact less understood, less discussed, less debated and more obvious and visible.

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