Sunday, September 8, 2024



As pandemic hits mankind in india, anti-Modi ‘vulturekinds’ are back at work

As the nation grapples with the sudden second solid wave of the pandemic, the anti-Modi vultures of India view this as a golden opportunity to vent out their hatred and frustration against PM Modi.

Dr. Chris Ogden is biased, let’s expose him

This is a rejoinder to the conversation held between John Pollock, Editor-9DASHLINE and author Dr. Chris Ogden, University of St. Andrews, Scotland-UK and published under the title “In Conversation: Chris Ogden on China and India” in the Europe based online magazine 9DASHLINE on 23 March 2021.

लोकतंत्र के महापर्व में जागृत होता बंगाल और ममता दीदी की बौखलाहट

मता ने कभी देश की परवाह ही नहीं की, उनके लिए चुनाव जीतना ही हमेशा महत्वपूर्ण रहा। चुनाव जीतने के इसी लालच में उन्होंने बांग्लादेशी घुसपैठियों को भी पश्चिम बंगाल में आने दिया। न सिर्फ आने दिया बल्कि उनको बसाया भी।

Modi coterie trying hard to prove Rahul Right

The sort of one-sided AAI privatization drive benefiting few corporate friends might not have seen the light of the day if Arun Jaitley could have been alive as the Finance Minister beside PM Modi.

Why the Government of India must NOT rush to ban crypto currencies

While the corporates in developed world adopt this innovation, a government ban would become a bottleneck for India Inc.

School ‘Twitter’ before it’s too late

f the micro blogging site Twitter is not schooled now for its willful disobey and disregard to Indian sovereign laws, note it will be too late to do the same by the victim that is sovereign India.

Farmer agitation and economic reforms

Please get this fact straight, that this BJP Government is not going to repeal these laws.

Don’t denigrate Indian democracy please

Modi government works along the lines of “Development with Dharma”. In six years, Modi government has launched several schemes and worked for the welfare of people from all sections of society.

Sharad Pawar sees Farm Agitation as an opportunity to discredit Congress further and emerge as the tallest Opposition leader

Sharad Pawar is at it again. Taking U-Turns! These days (since Modi’s advent), he is turning at such great speed, that if looked at from the top, he will resemble a fan, running full speed.

Biden, a worry for India?

Digest the fact that people of India have voted for Modi with 303 seats. Accept the verdict and even if you don’t, we have no problem because we are a functioning democracy.

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