Saturday, July 27, 2024


Men vs Women

“Pink vs Blue”: Sexism in Colors

A colorful perspective: Breaking the pink-blue divide

Self empowerment or self objectification

Individuals (both men or women) who attribute priority to self-enhancement are expected to be more involved in self-objectification processes.

Life after marriage- For HIM?

There appears to be an agenda to malign image of India and destabilize the democratically elected government. They will take up one non-issue at a time and systematically organize fake protests.

Women in Army- Fighting a mindset

Given the consistency in the position taken by Army leadership in all the previous occasions whenever the matter of women’s role in Army came up for debate, Center's reply doesn’t look out of sync with the view of the Army top brass.

Woman and the world

Women are new hopes for building peace and making human life sustainable.

Leftists’ feminism is an insult to womanhood: An open letter to women on women’s day

Feminism was and is a good and powerful tool but the Left-Liberals have made it a weird thing. Radical feminists literally hate men and blame everything on patriarchy when things don’t go their way.

Post-graduate maid or independent wife?

Do IIMs and IITs change the mindset of people?

Misusing #MeToo

A fight between good and evil: people who want to protect and people who want to abuse has become a fight between Women VS Men.

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