Lockdown impacts on economy
Normalcy vs complacency- A choice or a risk
One's complacency is what shall decide one's own safety and well being and that of one's family and peers
Indian economic restoration: Four steps in the right direction
it will be a time consuming and tedious process, but a swift action today is the only way towards a brighter future tomorrow.
Atmanirbhar is not merely Swadeshi- Here is why
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India today stands on the cusp of a potential transformation in the way in which it produces and consumes. Irrespective of the political ideologies people may follow, it is worth to look at the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ movement from an economic perspective.
Leveraging COVID-19 crisis to boost Indian Economy
Indian economy is in much better shape today than what it was in 1991 when a balance of payment crisis loomed largely and there was a chance that India might default on the payment of its external debts.
Lets experience nothing
This lockdown has brought something which we all want to do. Relax.
Easing lockdown a gamble?
If we want to compare economic condition and job loss due to lockdown and blame the govt., we ought to compare the mortality rate too, which one of the lowest in the world at around 2.83%!
भारत चीन सीमा विवाद और व्यापार घाटा
इस समय भारत के लिए एक सुनहरा अवसर है कि चीन से निकलने वाली कंपनियों का भारत में स्थापित करवाएं और वह सब सहूलियत दे जो चाहते हैं। जिससे भारत एक विनिर्माण का केंद्र बन सके और इस महामारी के समय जो युवा रोजगार विहिन है उनको रोजगार मिल सके।
How we can address our empathy problem
We need to imagine an India where every citizen feels secure and respected enjoys a decent quality of life.
Did the government really err in imposing the lockdown without advance notice?
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It is easy to criticize the government for not taking measures that seem, in retrospect, obvious; but in these times, it is perhaps best that we engage constructively with the government rather than attacking them at every turn.
COVID effect: Brakes on the culture of condom-solutions
India is placed at a great advantage to lead the world and show them the real path to move towards achieving a happy and satisfied world instead of creating several pockets of competitive and dissatisfied societies.