Saturday, July 27, 2024


Lockdown impacts on economy

The Pandora’s Box has opened

Realizing that most of the alternatives to sustain livelihood are a hit and miss, people are embracing the idea of becoming entrepreneurs, even if calls for moves never thought of.

Quarantine, containment etc., may push ‘virus latency’, ‘an unavoidable nemesis’

The future of India lies in those who survive and outwit the virus and not those who fall victim of the virus.

On PM’s Atmanirbhar Mission, critics are critics

The government is taking care of both the wealth-creators and the labor. Again wealth is nothing but value. Value is created by workers.

Aatmanirbhar Bharat: The revised definition of MSMEs and the confusion

The low threshold limit in the old definition of MSMEs averts companies from expanding further, which also stops them from enjoying the benefits that are accorded to them by the law. With the emended definitions of MSMEs, they will not have to worry about growing their size and can still avail benefits.

20 लाख करोड़ रुपये के पैकेज का दूसरा भाग

इस पैकेज का दूसरा भाग 14 मई को जनता के सामने लाया गया जो मुख्यतः कृषकों, प्रवासी मजदूरों और रेहड़ी-ठेला लगाने जैसा व्यापार करने वालों पर आधारित है।

Is novel coronavirus a ‘Dodo hunter’ or boosts immunity, cause ‘organ suicide’ and death?

Are we not hunting the ‘shadow of a ghost’ in the name of chasing novel coronavirus?

If novel coronavirus evolved to kill man, man may soon grow trunk/proboscis like Elephant or Tapir

Every species evolve and adapt only to enhance its survival and not to kill others in the ecosystem. Exploitation of the weaker and weakness is part and parcel of the game of kill and get killed in nature.

The pandemic of lockdown

Aside from good advice to avoid spreading disease, it’s just being respectful, aware of your surroundings, and confident in the space you physically occupy in this world.

Alcoholism: Moral enigma of addicts or a policy mishap?

We need to ask ourselves this question, why people are ready to risk their lives without fearing the pandemic to satisfy their addiction?

Indian policymakers made 21 mistakes and adopted easiest method – lockdown to abdicate their responsibility

India err on the side of extreme fear, ignorant epidemiology and medicine over novel coronavirus and purchased our economic disaster.

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